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The Crucible 11B Unit 8 Writing Project

Essay Instructions:

11B Unit 8 – Writing Project

Background: Through this year, this class has learned how literature has impacted history and how history has impacted literature. We witnessed how Common Sense and the persuasive appeals in Patrick Henry's speech in Virginia spurred the almost-American people into becoming purely American. We have observed how the logic of the Enlightenment gave way to the emotion of romanticism, gothic, and transcendentalism. We saw how slave narratives, especially Frederick Douglass's shone a light on what slavery in the south was truly like, eventually leading to the Civil War. We explored the thinking of socialism through Looking Backward. We cried with those in Hiroshima when America saw a glimpse of what they really did to the Japanese people, then saw the fear that developed when Americans thought that very same weapon might be turned on them in the Cold War. And now we are at modern day. The last 50 years or so have been shaped and molded by technology, government and cultural shifts. What did it bring? And where are we at now?

Objective: During this unit, we will explore the historical impact on literature and how literature is used to help shape society and history. We will explore a modern decade and then respond to our own current decade by writing a piece of literature responding to our current culture.

You will be writing a literary piece. The genre is up to you. You may write fiction (The Crucible)


- The writing must be AT LEAST 2 pages in length and follow the structure of the genre you have chosen.

- Your writing must respond to, react to, or speak into, modern day history and culture.

- You must use at least 4 of the literary elements we have learned this year (persuasive techniques, literary devices, etc.) and identify them by underlining each one within your piece.

- Proper grammar, spelling, etc. are necessary

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literature. A truly mesmerizing word for novelists like myself. For us, literature weighs as much as love does. For love is the epitome or peak of human characteristics to be able to show compassion, passion, empathy, sympathy, and even lust towards another individual whereas literature means the same except the love belongs to works of art made of words. Convincing one of the importance of literature is a difficult task which is why I was thankful to meet her.
Her name was Kelly, K for short. She was a mysterious young lass yet her eyes commanded attention. Her golden or was it a tad hazel brown eyes were like autumn leaves falling from the tree. Her crimson hair appeared as conniving mischief yet I knew then when I saw her that her heart was made of gold.
It was winter when we met at Queensland, Australia, I was studying college of medicine back in Grriffith University and was in my third year when I saw Kelly.
I could not fall for her for the Bible condemns Sodomy, or at least that was what I thought back then. Sodomy around the early two-thousands was not accepted by then before the term even became homosexuality or lesbianism and queer people then suffered the horrible fate of bullying or sometimes even murder. Some even joined and condemned homosexuals since it was a bandwagon back so I was cautious of approaching her then.
Now that we talked about the subject, I believe that this is one example how history had affected literature because back then, works of homosexuality be it books or even the contemporary manga were restricted by other governments to be read by their people but as time passed by and the voices of men and women belonging to the LGBT community rose, so had the literature changed for the better, for literature became more open and thus, rewriting history for those belonging to the LGBT community.
Back to the story, I saw Kelly on my way to a KFC. Kelly was reading a book which I believed was The Crucible, a story in Salem, Massachusetts around 1600s when witchcraft was taboo. It started with Reverend Parris’s daughter fainting after dancing in the forest only to find out that the servant Tituba was communing with the devil and soon after, the Proctor was charged with lying due to his affair with Abigail (niece of Parris) and then later on, witches in the town were rallied in to be hanged. Basically, it was a fictitious story about some townspeople being anxious over entities they had no control over.
“Hey.” I greeted her. She was clearly immersed in reading her book because she looked at me with furrowed brows.
“Do you need something?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to ...
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