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FINAL PAPER -Reflection and Analysis of Literature

Essay Instructions:
Self-Reflection Letter/ Poem Self Reflection Letter/ Poem item options Reflect on the course and write a letter that reflects upon an aspect of virtual instruction and the learning outcomes from the syllabus. Include feedback on the literature you enjoyed together with your thoughts and understanding as a student who has analyzed literature and been a virtual student in my class!! First and Last Name Lit 1000 Spring 2023 Letter of Reflection: Add a Title Here of Your Own! Using what you know about narration, non-fiction, analysis and close reading write a letter that demonstrates and reflects a proficiency of fiction, non-fiction, as well as elements of poetry and your experiences as a remote online learner this semester. Share and write what you enjoyed learning! What surprised you the most about your learning experience with literature this semester and with virtual learning? Start with what are you most proud of this semester and pat yourself on the back for the obstacles you overcame and where you succeeded! Be analytical and creative and enjoy writing about non-fiction, fiction and/ or poetry, as well as perhaps the author or characters infused from a literary work used in class this semester. Secondly, please include your experience as a student, as well as your experience as a student using virtual learning technologies. Please let me know as your professor this term if: This class was enjoyable from the perspective of being virtual - This class was supportive of your learning environment needs - This class was well presented, and I felt present in your lectures - As your professor, was successful in simplifying more difficult concepts - Next, what did you enjoy about literature and the class, and did you feel you could get assistance with your work as a remote online learner in my class? As a student, you were allowed to explore interests and work on strengths and weaknesses - Your professor made effective use of technology and was the Canvas site design user friendly - Please refer to the learning outcomes for the course and you may cut and paste them in your letter. Think back to how you felt about the learning outcomes at the start of the class, perhaps self-score, for example, if in the beginning of the course your felt unsure of a particular learning outcome and now as the course comes to a close your feel more confident, very confident or extremely confident. A. Analyze texts to determine subject, audience, style, tone and purpose. Analyze the characteristics of a particular literary work. B. Demonstrate proper use and interpretation of literary terminology in fiction, non-fiction, drama and poetry. C. Demonstrate understanding of literary analysis and interpretation. D. Identify major writers and their influences to understand the significance of literature in the human experience. E. Write critical MLA-style essays relative to the literature read during the course--interpreting, critiquing and critically thinking during close reading of the texts assigned. Lastly, was I helpful to you as a student? Did I show care and have empathy and expertise as your professor? Would you recommend this class as an E-learning class to another student next semester, if so, why or why not? Would you like to see this class as online too or as live online like this semester? Did my lessons and interactions with you virtually feel authentic that I do care about your success in this class and as a student. Most importantly, once again from the start, what are you most proud of from this semester? Close with a quote of your own or an author you have come to enjoy! It was an honor to be your professor this semester!!! Thank you for the opportunity to learn from your writing and for sharing your analytical thoughts. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. So as this class comes to a close, I will remind you of the words we ended each class with and my wish for you, "Stay safe, be well and keep happy" ! I'll add to that, keep in touch, if I can be of future assistance !!Wishing you the best, always! Sincerely _______________________________________________________________ Extra Credit: If you choose to also creatively express your ideas with a poem please do so and enjoy your creativity. The poem can be written in a style of a favorite poet or poem, but do not plagiarize that poet's words, only perhaps the style. The theme is Hope and Optimism. Given the times we are in, poetry about hope and optimism can uplift you and your readers!! Remember NO stress!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This work needs to be approximately 1 page or more and single spaced and if you add a poem, double space that and put on a page of its own!! You may use the format of the assignment to write. yourself reflective letter. Mechanics should be solid, and your work proofed and edited. You should have some type of organizational structure and several paragraphs that develops an idea with thoughtful words and sufficient detail!!! Most of all enjoy writing and reflecting! Learning Outcomes for Lit 1000Learning Outcomes for Lit 1000 item options Course Learning Outcomes: Rate before and After (1 being unsure or vaguely knowledgeable to 5 Being Highly Proficient and Knowledgeable) A. Analyze texts to determine subject, audience, style, tone and purpose. Analyze the characteristics of a particular literary work. B. Demonstrate proper use and interpretation of literary terminology in fiction, non-fiction, drama and poetry. C. Demonstrate understanding of literary analysis and interpretation. D. Identify major writers and their influences to understand the significance of literature in the human experience. E. Write critical MLA-style essays relative to the literature read during the course--interpreting, critiquing and critically thinking during close reading of the texts assigned. You many cut and paste these learning outcomes into your reflective letter!!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Instructor’s Name Course Section Date Title At the end of the semester, I find myself looking back and reminiscing about all that we have gone through sharing the virtual classroom experience. This experience has broadened my horizons and has tried and tested me in many ways. Let me offer you my perspective, both as a literature student and as a participant in remote learning. Firstly, I would like to thank my professor for the strong mentorship and guidance. My professor’s efforts in creating an interactive virtual learning environment are recognized. Whether it is in the lectures or the integration of technology, it is evident that my professor has put great emphasis on making our learning experience both beautiful and meaningful. I am pretty proud that this semester I was able to accomplish things I had never thought of doing before. As a virtual learner, I have developed an ability to adapt and find success in this brave new world of education. Moreover, talking about the course, I was particularly fascinated by the literature we read. Analyzing both fictional and non-fictional texts further develops my grasp of storytelling techniques, character building, and thematic exploration. One a...
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