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Family Dynamic in The Metamorphosis

Essay Instructions:

Here are some possible essay questions. Choose one. You are allowed to come up with your own question/topic, but be sure to clear it with me first. Essays should be around three to four pages in 12-point font, double-spaced (not including the bibliography). As with the essay samples that I have included on Brightspace, you do not need a title-page; instead, you just need to include your name, student number, course number, my name, and the date in the top right hand corner of the first page. Your essay should have a title that reflects not only your topic but your argument about that topic; an introductory paragraph that introduces your topic, suggests how it will be approached in regards to the text, and closes with a clear and specific thesis statement; supporting paragraphs organized around points that support your thesis and that open with a strong topic sentence; specific evidence from the primary text itself; a sense of sound and logical transition fromsupporting point to supporting point; and a strong conclusion that reinforces your thesis and suggests something about its wider implications. The essay samples on Brightspace are very clear in regards to what I am looking for, so be sure to look over these before and while writing.

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Family Dynamic in The Metamorphosis
People are not defined by their names, families, or occupations but rather by their human nature, which is characteristic of conscience and imperfections. However, the primary attribute associated with humanity is people’s ability to show and understand emotion. In The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa transforms into a giant vermin and realizes this absurdity when he tries to get off the bed for his job. Gregor's voice is insect-like, and although he tries to talk to his mother and manager, nobody understands what he says. The door swings open, and his mother faints at the sight of a giant beetle. Gregor's strange form makes the manager run away and, Gregor, who has not yet realized the mystery of his transformation, runs after him. The scene becomes dramatic as Gregor's father uses a cane to force him to retreat to his bedroom. The scene is emotional and dramatic, and it marks the start of a change in Gregor's family. This paper discusses how the author explores the family dynamic in the story. Although Gregor's family appears loving, their anger, evil, and hatred in the way they treat him.
Kafka explores the family's dynamic in The Metamorphosis through the character's thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. He shows changes in the roles played by Gregor’s family members after his transformation. When the only reliable family breadwinner transforms into a giant vermin, the family falls under economic strain, forcing Gregor’s father to start working, the family maid dismissed, and other familial changes are occurring to cut cost and maximize income. Gregor is a huge burden to the family, and everyone in his family feels embarrassed by his existence (Kafka p. 9). For that reason, their actions, thoughts, and feelings towards Gregor change. That negatively affects Gregor’s family dynamics. First, Gregor’s parents perceive him as a disgrace to the family, and therefore, they do not see him as their son. Their disgust manifest in the way they treat him in an inhumane way. Sometimes Gregor’s mother shows tenderness in her son and would want him to regain his human form. However, she has great fear and disgust about Gregor’s transformation; hence, believing the change will never come so easily.
On the other hand, Gregor's sister, Grete, performs sweeping his room and feeding him. In the beginning, she is an innocent, loving sister, but as she grows up to a vigorous teen lady, she develops anger and hatred towards Gregor for being a burden to each family member. According to Grete, Gregor's existence is meaningless and is a threat to her family. Instead of her family suffering from alienation and ruin by their society members, the best option is to get rid of him. Grete convinces her father, who gives consent to having Gregor killed (Kafka p. 117). However, despite his inhumane treatment of Gregor, Samsa has some love left for his son. He wishes if Gregor could leave the house before they executed him. The family members do not know that Gregor can understand and learn human emotion. He understands their suffering, and, one day, Gregor dies in his room. The family is relieved of the burden of taking care of their son, but the bitter truth is that they have lost a son.
The narrator in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis ...
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