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“The Hunger Artist”: A Critique of Plight and Pretensions (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Here are some possible essay questions. Choose one. You are allowed to come up with your own question/topic but be sure to clear it with me first. Essays should be around three to four pages in 12-point font, double-spaced (not including the bibliography). As with the essay samples that I have included on Brightspace, you do not need a title-page; instead, you just need to include your name, student number, course number, my name, and the date in the top right hand corner of the first page.

Your essay should have a title that reflects not only your topic but your argument about that topic; an introductory paragraph that introduces your topic, suggests how it will be approached in regards to the text, and closes with a clear and specific thesis statement; supporting paragraphs organized around points that support your thesis and that open with a strong topic sentence; specific evidence from the primary text itself; a sense of sound and logical transition from supporting point to supporting point; and a strong conclusion that reinforces your thesis and suggests something about its wider implications. The essay samples on Brightspace are very clear in regard to what I am looking for, so be sure to look over these before and while writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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“The Hunger Artist”: A Critique of Plight and Pretensions
Universally, life prospers on growth. To opt out of life is to choose decline and, finally, demise. In “The Hunger Artist” (Kafka), meaning in life is questioned in several metaphorical and philosophical ways. Telling of a hunger artist, a profession common in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Kafka offers what is perhaps a condensed view of a whole bygone era yet, more interestingly, a semi-autobiography. The plight and pretensions of Kafka's hunger artist parallel, in a sense, personal experiences Kafka underwent in early life phases under a domineering father and was perhaps still experiencing in end-of-life phase (“Franz Kafka Biography”). The short story could, accordingly, be accounted for not only as an inspiring documentation of entertainments and attractions once popular in a bygone era – and, for that matter, a worldview becoming increasingly obsolete – yet also a documentation of Kafka's very own personal plights and pretensions. The attempts to identify, word for word, parallels between story's hunger artist and Kafka are, one strongly believes, doomed. Instead, underlying rationales story's hunger artist is made to rationalize, if not philosophize about, life could, if properly interpreted and contextualized, offer insights into Kafka's own insecurities not only as an individual yet, more importantly, as an artist preoccupied about certain issues of wide implications not only for his own era yet for modern life and humanity in general. To put matters into perspective, a closer examination is required of Kafka's manipulation of meaning-making,
Student Last Name 2
often converging on proverbial didacticism, to critique a bygone era's (and artist's) growing
ailments and dissatisfactions informed by personal experiences just as manipulative. This essay
aims, accordingly, to explore Kafka's hunger artist's plight and pretensions in what is perhaps a
subtle parallel to Kafka's own personal experiences particularly in end-of-life phase.
The everyday experiences and inner conflicts of Kafka's hunger artist are interchangeable in several masterful ways. The hunger artist has, as all artists, an ultimate aim to stay in limelight. The glory of fame, particularly if coupled by fortune, is every artist's dream. In “The Hunger Artist,” story's central character expresses in a diversity of subtle and direct ways gains and costs of staying under limelight for long. The crowds drawn to story's hunger artist are, more specifically, a representation of limelight attention artists often entertain. The halo created around artists, usually expanding by virtue of constant attention and almost always gratifying and sought by all is countered, however, by deep uncertainties, if not insecurities, about not only an artist's actual purpose yet of what art is. This conflict between an artist's elevated sense of self and inner uncertainties/insecurities is ideally captured in:
He lived this way, taking small regular breaks, for many years, apparently in the spotlight, honoured by the world, but for all that his mood was usually gloomy, and it kept growing gloomier all the time, because no one understood how to take him seriously. But how was he to find consolation? What was there left for him to wish for? And if a good-natured man who felt sorry for him ever wanted to explain to him that his sadness probably came from his fasting, then it could happen that the hunger artist responded with an outburst of rage and began to shake the bars like an animal, frightening everyone [emphasis added]. (Kafka)
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