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Importance of Diversity to Teamwork and Innovation

Essay Instructions:

Choose ONE of the three topics listed below. Go through all resources listed under that topic. Then write a reflection (at least 500 words) on these diversity topics .


1. Unconsious Bias

Listen to this podcast about how unconscious bias and how it affects workplace experience: https://envoy(dot)com/blog/how-unconscious-bias-affects-workplace-experience/ (Links to an external site.)

Take the Implicit Association Test: https://implicit(dot)harvard(dot)edu/implicit/takeatest.html (Links to an external site.)

Note: Data from the Implicit Association Test is collected by Harvard University. If you do not consent to participating in this research, or if you are not comfortable viewing the interpretations of your results, please choose a different topics instead.

2.Microaggressions and Allyship

Watch this Ted Talk about microaggressions and how to be a better ally in the workplace: https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/melinda_epler_3_ways_to_be_a_better_ally_in_the_workplace?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare (Links to an external site.)

Read this article on responding to microaggressions whether you are the target, the bystander, or the microaggresor: https://www(dot)apa(dot)org/monitor/2017/01/microaggressions (Links to an external site.)

3.Importance of Diversity to Teamwork and Innovation

(Links to an external site.Read this article on the benefits of diverse teams: https://hbr(dot)org/2016/09/diverse-teams-feel-less-comfortable-and-thats-why-they-perform-better (Links to an external site.)

Read this article to learn about the different kinds of diversity in the workplace and examples of how companies have implemented diversity initiatives: https://www(dot)deputy(dot)com/blog/the-importance-of-cultural-diversity-in-the-workplace

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Importance of Diversity to Teamwork and Innovation
Cultural diversity is an important part of any organization because it determines how individuals within the team. In the workplace, cultural diversity comes from the tradition, beliefs, practices, race, and religion. There are also other factors that determine the cultural views and attitudes of workers within an organization. From the readings, I can see that cultural diversity within organization majorly results from the globalization of economies (Sawyer). This is why the modern employees and workforce have diverse views based on race, gender, religion, among other factors. There are numerous benefits that organizations can get from workplace diversity. However, there is a need for internal commitment from each member to pursue and support the objectives of the organization. There is a need to see employers acknowledging the diversity of their workers, ensuring that their needs, priorities, and beliefs are incorporated in the work systems. This is important for cultivating a sense of collaboration and teamwork within the organization (Sawyer).
Another important aspect I have noted is that there are different types of diversity in the modern workplace. In order to assist the workers to over certain of discrimination and prejudice, there is a need to have a diversity and inclusion program or policy within the firm. This is essential in ensuring that the organization has a true representation of the surrounding community and target clients. When your team is homogenous, it may appear to be easier to ma...
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