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My thought about The Myth of Consciousness and MiND Essay

Essay Instructions:

I want you to think about Descartes assertion that the "trustworthiness of the senses is inferior to that of the intellect." What does this say about the mind/body problem?

And what does it mean for Descartes to think of our body as a machine that houses our soul? What power does he give to thinking that is perhaps more than thinking deserves.

↑These the we discussed last week

You are required to write three short papers (3 pages, 900 words). They can be about any topic we have read or discussed.

These papers must also contain your own thoughts, opinions, and criticisms of what we’ve been reading. Papers must be double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman or a similar font with one-inch margins top/bottom and left/right. The crafting of a paper of this length is often more difficult than writing a longer paper, so plan the time it will take to write accordingly. I am looking to see that you understand the material we are covering, therefore try not to bring in outside references unless they are relevant to the argument you are trying to make. I am more than happy to look at the papers before you hand in your final drafts.

Do not use Wikipedia. It’s not rigorously checked for factual accuracy and nor written by experts in the field.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Consciousness and Mind
The mind's philosophy concerned with our perceptions, thoughts, and feelings has gotten several responses from its conception. Amongst the most prominent ones are materialism, idealism, functionalism, and dualism. These doctrines revolve around the physical and the mental substances that constitute our minds. Rene Descartes, inclined to dualism, goes from the mental existence to determine that his mental existence is separate from the body. Descartes states that the mind and the body are not identical and have to differ from one another. Following these arguments, I will discuss in this paper the dualism doctrine as per Descartes's point of view as a result of the mind and body problem.
Despite the several philosophers that have tried to deduce a solution to the mind-body problem, this subject continues to be as complicated. The human body has internal and external organs, and from these, we can perceive things both around us and far away. I see from the time I wake up resonates with my mind; hence, I form perceptions rather than visualizing. Descartes argued that matter occupies space and bears specific characteristics, which ideally makes sense to me. He added that the mind, on the other hand, has no such features meaning it is not affected by space. He emphasized that they can't interact with each other due to the differences between the mind and body. The mind, according to Descartes, is conscious, which is never in any space.
Descartes was less troubled about what other philosophers said regarding this subject of the body and mind. I believe that indeed, if the body is spatial while the mind is not, then there is no way they could act to each other. Instead, there would be a contradiction should they try to interact. However, what is not clear is how the mind that is not in space could react to something spatial. One weakness of Descartes's doctrine is that it fails to explain how the soul affects the body, yet they are two different entities. There is no way the soul could interact with the body when they are not in contact with each other, as Descartes says one is spatial while the other is not. Meaning the soul could be bearing physical characteristics as the body.
For Descartes, the mind is merely a conscious substance making it impossible to understand how it could cause a human to do acts like moving around or reaching out for something. There should be contact and extension in understanding how the body and soul work, different from what Descartes argued. However, Descartes only gives room for conta...
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