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Understanding Thematic Relationship between Films and Circumstances

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October 25, 2020
Week 8 Assignment
Understanding the thematic relationship between films and the circumstances that surround them is essential for any viewer. It gives him a good view of how each element fits with one another and allows for a deeper appreciation of its contents. In this article, I would like to discuss how the two film characters' relationship reflects past reality. Specifically, this article would focus on Fatih Akin's 2007 film entitled The Edge of Heaven. To do this, the subsequent sections of this article would discuss this in light of how characters can be portrayed so that they reflect the idea of the past based on the Bayrakdar concept of hyphenated identity.
The Plot
The plot of Akin's film focuses on the lives of a Turkish widower named Ali Aksu, his son Nejat Aksu, and the former's wife, Yeter Ozturk. Early in the story, the viewers could already see that after Ali's wife's death, he met Yeter, the woman who made her fall in love again. However, after Yeter met Ali's son Nejat and developed some relationship with one another, Ali suspected this and ended up killing his wife. Subsequently, after Ali's imprisonment, the story of Nejat progresses, wherein he tried to find Yeter's daughter Ayten to support her in her life.
The Relationship to Identity
Throughout the film, the characters' story was built up and developed through the plot. As early as the beginning, the two main characters – Ali and Nejat – were portrayed as Turkish immigrants living in Germany. Subsequently, after the death of Yeter,...
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