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ESSAY #2 Arguing Daisey Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:


Before beginning the essay, please listen to and read:

1. This American Life [TAL], “Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory.” http://anamericanstudies(dot)posthaven(dot)com/mr-daisey-and-the-apple-factory-this-american

*Transcript of podcast: https://www(dot)thisamericanlife(dot)org/454/transcript

2. Listen to TAL, “Retraction” https://www(dot)thisamericanlife(dot)org/460/retraction

The transcript is available too http://podcast(dot)thisamericanlife(dot)org/special/TAL_460_Retraction_Transcript.pdf






This week and next week’s texts present a number of interrelated issues around the production and consumption of information technologies and the role of journalism and art in representing and reporting these issues. “Actor, author, commentator, playwright and general layabout,” Mike Daisey’s solo performance excerpt and subsequent interview on This American Life (episode 460: “Retraction,” 16 March 2012) provides a compelling case study of the role of art in raising our consciousness, the standards of journalism, and the ethics involved in both.

The following topic is meant to get you started, you’re welcomed to further develop, refine, and even refocus as long as you meet the following broad requirements:

Your essay must analyze Daisey’s one-man show excerpt of The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs. It must feature a central argument and support it with evidence from the podcasts and the provided readings.

Your audience is your peers and me; i.e., you should assume we have familiarity but need to be reminded of specifics and have our memories jogged with brief descriptions (use appositives). Your voice should be formal in this essay—you don’t need to “write up” and sound unnatural, but you need to argue in a persuasive tone, not in a conversational style. Be sure to take a little time and introduce your topic with contextual information that adequately sets up your argument.

*Make sure someone reading the paper could understand who Daisey is and what his monologue was about—and what the problems with it were even if they hadn't heard the podcast.

Analyze Daisey’s claims about his report/monologue aired on This American Life. Were Daisey’s transgressions forgivable or justifiable given his admirable goals? What claims does he make? What do Ira Glass and his critics argue? Your paper should evaluate both Daisey’s performance and his defense in the retraction on T.A.L. using the media coverage (provided readings).

Note: you may use additional sources at your discretion. Be sure to cite all your sources and include them in your References section.

In-text citation MLA style basic format: [end of quotation]” (author IF not used in the signal phrase to introduce the quote [no punc] page # if available) [period outside citation]. However, only the Fair Labor Association’s report is paginated, so most of your references will look like this (note you need the title to differentiate between the articles co-written by these authors):

As Duhigg and Barboza note, “In the last decade, Apple has become one of the mightiest, richest and most successful companies in the world, in part by mastering global manufacturing” (“In China, Human Costs are Built into iPad”).

Check it out MLA: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/02/

Citing a podcast:

MLA Works Cited

“Title.” Narrator. Name of Program. Title of website. Publisher or sponsor (network). Broadcast date. Format. Access date. (See link below.)

MLA in-text:

Just use the title in-text, like “Retraction” or “Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory,” or list in parentheses if not signaled. Link

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory
Student Name
The agony and the ecstasy of Mike Daisey was a story that dominated the news in March 2012. The acclaimed fabricated documentary, which talked about brutal working conditions for people who work in Chinese Apple factories, caused an anti-Apple campaign. When questioned later, Mr. Daisey admitted to fabricating some parts of the monologue. This essay purposes to examine the role of journalism in raising our consciousness. It will also touch on the importance of honesty as a journalistic ethic.
Journalistic ethics are the principles that govern the journalism profession. To begin with, Mike Daisey violated the code of honesty when he used the radio show to spread falsehood. He might not have been a journalist but that doesn’t change that he misused a journalistic approach. History has shown people time and again that the goal of this misinformation is not merely to convince people of the falsehood but rather to cast seeds of doubt. By projecting an image of poor working conditions in the Apple Company, he destroyed a percentage of the customer base. Initially, he claimed that he met with some people working in an Iphone assembly line (This American Life). Apple’s audits show that such an event occurred but in a company more than 50 miles from where Mr. Daisey said it thus revealing part of his lies. However, all this would have been ignored if it was all false. His stunts caused a rapid anti-Apple campaign that put the company in a bad position. Moreover, a report done by the China Labor Watch showed that, ‘50% of the workers in the Chinese Iphone company were dispatch workers,&rsq...
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