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How Thinking Like A Critic Helps Improve Writing?

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Wk 1 Discussion - Thinking Like a Critic

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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Welcome to Applied Rhetoric, the capstone course for English majors!  

In architecture, the capstone finishes a masonry wall or building and protects the structure from water erosion. In this way, ENG/480 finishes your program of study, capping everything you have learned since your first English course. In addition, by requiring you to synthesize previous learning and to apply it to your own writing, this course protects your accumulated knowledge from erosion.  

This week’s assignment asks you to analyze three pieces of your past writing. In order to analyze your work thoroughly, you must think like a critic. Which ideas from Chapter 22 of Engaging are you most likely to use when completing the assignment? Why? Do you think the benefits of applying literary criticism to your writing outweigh the challenges of doing so, or vice versa? Provide details. 

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Wk. 1 Discussion - Thinking Like A Critic
The ideas I am most likely to use from chapter 22 on Reasoning include the art of questioning, voice and style, and organization and development. In the art of questioning, one has to ask certain questions related to the work being analyzed. For instance, who is the author, and what is their message? The art of questioning is essential because it helps to answer certain questions, which make up the anatomy of the rhetorical analysis. I also intend to use voice and style. As learned in chapter 22, voice and style are vital because they determine the credibility of the rhetorical analysis. If the tone is off, one may not achieve their purpose in the rhetorical analysis. Organization and development are the final ...
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