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Immigrants: Stereotyping and Problems they Face: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Read the pages. Write your thoughts on the reading

Use casual language. Not a formal essay. Can use the pronoun “I”.

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Immigrants: Stereotyping and Problems they Face
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Immigrants: Stereotyping and Problems they Face
Stereotyping immigrants is a problem that has been going on for the longest time. Immigrants are associated with criminal attributes like rape and gang-related violence. The latter attribute is most common in Latinos. They are often discriminated against, and people try to find an excuse for them to be deported.
There are those immigrants who enter the country illegally, which is wrong. Most of them are already involved in the life of crime, and their bad reputation makes the rest of the Latinos discriminated against. It is wrong for them to enter a country illegally because it is considered to be a crime. Illegal immigrants still expect to be treated like the rest of the population. They demand their rights and needs to be taken seriously, forgetting that they are illegal residents.
The population of immigrants is rising at a high rate, and they make up a large percentage of voters, especially in America. Some politicians use this to their advantage by advocating for immigrants' rights and demanding they be treated fairly. Their popularity is boosted as more people will vote for a person who shows empathy and compassion to be a leader.
On the brighter side, some of the Latinos get the respect they deserve and gain recognition among the whites. White people accept the Latinos, and great relationships are established in the process. However, whites are willing to accept these people as their neighbors if they meet a specific criterion. They should be fluent in English, have no relation to illegal immigrants, are married to a white person, and they ought to have been born in America.
Some immigrant...
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