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Analyzing A Poem Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This is a Paper 1 from the IB. I would like you to analyze a poem by Elizabeth Bishop Called one art. I will provide you with the poem and the grading of the essay and also an outline and a sample of an essay

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One Art: Poem Analysis  Student
Analyzing a Poem
One Art is a poem written by Elizabeth Bishop, which was first published in the New Yorker. It was leter incorporated in the her book that was published a year after the poem was composed. Through this poem, we can see that the author is sharing some collection about her letters from the year 1928 to 1979. The letter were correspondences with various prominent individuals, inclusing her own mentors and people he emulated as an individual. It is a very strong poem, considering the style and themes being presented. In several ways, we can see the poem as an autobiographical presentation of her own life. It was a way of documenting her thoughts as well as the issues she experienced through herself and other people’s perspective. Probably, this is one of the most important poems in the life of Elizabeth Bishop. Another significant thing about the poem is that it was completed at period when she was almost nearing her death. This gives it much significance to readers, historians, and also other poets. It an account of the many losses that she had encountered in the course of her life. Some of the lossess that are documented in the poem include the death of her father, and later that of her own mother. These are some of the significant events that are included in the poem. Through the stylistic and poetic prose used, the author open for us a window to see, learn, and experience her life through the piem.
Purpose and Audience
When we read through the fist 15 lines of the poem, we can vividly see the perspective and attitude of the author. We can read a hopeless view of life, probably because of the lossess she had experienced during the course of her life. Elizabeth is very open, she does not shun from expressing her pain and dissapointment. She utilizes a very loose villanelle form, with a language the that adds to the comprehensive tone and mood of the poem. Therefore, we can say that the main purpose of this poem was to show us her pain and how it had shaped her life. The experience was very disheartening for her. As we read through the prose, we see that the techniques used contribute to the audience’s understanding of the attitudes and ideas being expressed. Through the use of the villanelle form, the author was trying to make the readers undestand her optimistic perspectives that are revealed in the fist 15 lines. However, the events that are presented in the aftermath show us someone who was hopeless. She had become a pessimist after undergoing many painful experiences. Another purpose we can see is through the language that is used. The language present a broad understanding of poem. She has carefully chosen the various...
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