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Effect of Culture and Business Climate on Willy Loman's Career

Essay Instructions:

Watch the movie, Death of a Salesman, a 1949 play written by American playwright Arthur Miller.
Please answer the following questions, clearly identify them as 1,2, 3:
1. Describe the type of sales Willy Loman was involved in. Was it more of a transactional based sale or a trust based, consultative, solution approach? What did Willy sell? Who did he sell to?
2. When did the story take place and how does the American culture and business climate at that time relate to a central theme in the play?
3. Why do you think Willy decided on a career in sales?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Death of a Salesman
Question 1
In Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman was a salesman whose main form of sales was trust-based sales. While the author does not reveal exactly what Willy sold, it is quite clear that Willy believed that a good name, a good reputation, and likeability were instrumental to his success as a salesman (Crow 18-22). He further propagated these beliefs in his sons, Biff and Happy. Throughout the play, Willy travels across different cities to sell his company’s products. Unfortunately, it is not revealed what exactly Willy sells, but it is made clear that he is a salesman. Nonetheless, he sells the products to different clients and companies across the country. Willy loves what he does and goes to great lengths to work towards attaining success as a salesman. In doing so, Willy believes that he has established a good rapport with many of his clients, and that his likeability plays a core role in ensuring he continues to make sales. In this regard, Willy Loman extensively relies on a trust-based approach to sales. This is evidenced in the fact that he later on complains that many of the people with whom he had worked had left their positions, and that this has influenced his success as a salesman. As far as Willy is concerned, he had established a client list that allowed him to ensure his success even when he travels to other cities (Crow 21). However, as Willy’s true state of affairs unravels, it becomes clear that Willy is an unsuccessful salesman and one that hardly makes any sales from his approach in spite of his belief in it.
Question 2
The story of Willy Loman ...
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