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Chinese Leaders’ Decision to Reform Their Education System

Essay Instructions:

After reading the article in Reading Assignment 5, answer any or all of the following questions:
— What do you think about the Chinese leaders’ decision to reform their education system? Are they heading in the “right direction,” as the author claims? Why or why not?
— In your opinion, what kind of education system do you think is best: one that is highly competitive with a focus on academic achievement? Or one that encourages experiential learning, personality development and other nonacademic pursuits? A combination of the two? What does the evidence presented in the article show is best?
— If you were to design your own school, how would you structure the learning environment? Would it look more like the former Chinese education system or the American one? Would it be a mix of both, or something else entirely? Why would you format it this way?

Your discussion should be about 250 words or more (one page, MLA Style).

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Reading response
What do you think about the Chinese leaders’ decision to reform their education system? Are they heading in the “right direction,” as the author claims? Why or why not?
I think the decision to reform the Chinese education system is right. Despite the numerous benefits provided by the present education system to students, it has also crippled other aspects of a student’s learning which are vital for their success. Thus the leaders are heading in the right direction.
Reforming the Chinese education system will ease the burden for students and improve their well-being. Chinese students, according to CGTN face the most pressure worldwide. On average, at primary level, they spend more than eight hours per day in school, eleven hours in high school and three hours worth of homework (Yang). All this learning leaves no time to relax and engage in leisure activities while predisposing them to health issues such as obesity. The reforms will help ease the burden of learning by reducing the hours spent learning and increasing leisure time.
The reform...
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