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Gender Identity Issues in Hansen's 'What Real Men Do' and Kantrowitz' 'Life Without Gender'

Essay Instructions:

What topics, themes, or goals do all readings have in common? Which two texts inspired you the most to make connections between them, how, and why? Where do the texts sharply differ in their approach to the subject they discuss? How do the readings extend your thinking on the subject? What original thoughts and criticism can you contribute to the discussion? What can you learn about the craft of writing from reading these authors? Use your answers to one or two of these questions as a starting point for your response. You may write the response in letter format and address it to anyone you like, including yourself, or you may assume the point of view of an author or character in one of the texts to which you are responding. Please incorporate MLA or Chicago style conventions for citing and quoting material in the letter.
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Response Paper
Sociology Lecturer
Dear <Name>,
The two articles are addressing the issues related to gender identity issues. In the article “What real men do” by Silas Hansen, the author talks about the socially constructed stereotypes about men. First, society believes that boys and men should not fear anything. In this case, when Hansen was a kid, he tried being happy as a girl but he later learned that people saw him as a man and he, therefore, has to learn to act and behave like a man. He tries not to be afraid of things that are terrifying to him like the outer space as well as darkness. Additionally, the society holds that a man should watch football and it is for this reason that Hansen will spend his weekends in bars watching football together with his friends (Hansen, p. 125). Also, since a man is expected to understand how to solve issues in the house, Hansen tries being like his father who provided solutions to all structural, plumbing and electrical problems. It is for this reason that he struggles to repair a door even when he does not have the required skills.
On the other side, the article “Life without gender?” by Barbara Kantrowitz discusses the issues that are faced by transgender and genderless people. The author points out the case of Norrie May-Welby, a genderless person who has faced numerous challenges trying to fit in society. At birth, Norrie was registered as a male. Later, at the age of twenty-three, May-Welby started using female hormones and also received surgery to be converted to a woman (Kantrowitz, p.2). Now, Norrie no longer takes the hormones and is better identified as being genderless.
The two text...
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