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2008 B Synthesis Essay-Advertising

Essay Instructions:

Synthesis essay for AP English language and composition class. Just like one of the required essay on the actual AP test (the synthesis prompt one). The 2008 (Form B) prompt, about two and a half pages long would be perfect. There are 6 sources that you can pick from, you only need three. The information on the first page is probably what you need to know. The structure is probably:Intro (including YTAG, hook and a quote from the introduction), 3 Body Paragraphs(each body paragraph include a different source), conclusion (restate the statement). Find connections with the introduction.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Instructor Course Date 2008 B Synthesis Essay-Advertising Advertising focuses on certain messages that target the customers to promote the sale of goods and services and create awareness. “That advertising plays a huge role in society is readily apparent to anyone who watches television, listens to radio, reads newspapers, uses the Internet, or simply looks at billboards on streets and buses”. The advertisers mostly target the final consumers, businesses and the key customer segment can be local, national and even international. The advertising agencies and advertisers mostly carry out exhaustive and to evaluate the possibility increase sales including in cases of new goods and services. When advertisers know about the specific factors that motivate the consumer to buy a product or service they target this to make advertising more effective. Advertising helps to develop selective demand for products and brands, which increases the market share. Advertising has helped improve sales and market with firms reaching out to a bigger customer market. For instance, advertisements on cigarette smoking have helped target the consumer niche market from the late 20th century and manufacturers have relied on diverse advertising and promotional tools to achieve this (Shaw). Companies use different promotional strategies depending on the target market with market segmentation necessary to group consumers based on similar attributes. Countries have different rules and laws on regulations and advertisers adapt to this, but with the growth of the internet companies can target more customers by diversifying away from traditional mass media outlets. Advertising gives you a better opportunity to target specific consumers, based on the fact that media providers usually have specific demographic information and other relevant information. However, advertising occurs in other spheres of life like teaching where information is provided (Culpa)....
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