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Macbeth, A Shakespeare Work Summative Essay

Essay Instructions:

Without too advanced vocabulary, it is enough to write 90% of the full score. Thesis statement in the first paragraph should be at the end.

I forgot to mention that the first column of characters are from a book called "Like water for Chocolate"

my essay is the compare and contrast of the two books characters like water for chocolate and he is very tragedy of macbeth.

Don't use advanced vocabulary, and It is enough that there is no need to write a full score of 90%. The first paragraph thesis statement is written in the end.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Your Name] [Instructor Name] [Course Number] [Date] Macbeth Summative Essay Like Water for Chocolate is a 1989 novel written by Spanish author Laura Esquivel. It is about story of a young girl named Tita, who has a longing to be with her lover, Pedro but can never have him because of the strict family tradition her mother has upheld, which stops the youngest daughter from marrying, but instead, she remains in her mother’s home, to take of her during old age, until she passes away. Macbeth, a Shakespeare work is about Macbeth, a brave Scottish general who receives a prophecy from three witches that he would be King of Scotland one day. The prophecies fill Macbeth with ambition and impatience and lead him to murder King Dancun to take the throne for himself. His actions fill him with utmost guilt and paranoia and as a result; he commits more and more murders to protect himself from suspicion and hostility. This turns him into a brute dictator. These two works have many characters who can be compared side by side and contrasts made on their traits as well as what they went through to meet their tragedies. This paper will focus on Tita, of Like Water For Chocolate and Macbeth, of Macbeth. Tita is a passionate individual who puts in a lot of work and enthusiasm in what she does, especially in cooking. She channels this passion to cooking as well as experiences emotion with ‘’great intensity and tends to connect easily to people’’ (Esquivel 29). Her magical ability to infuse her feelings into her meals channels into other people, causing everyone who eats her cooked meals to feel her strong emotions as their own. Macbeth, on the other hand, is not passionate at all, he has no strong feelings of love and connect...
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