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Death of a Salesman: An Analysis on Willy's Life

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Death of A salesman
American Dream and Ben
Willy has expressed his opinion about the American Dream and the paradox of the phenomenon. The American Dream is unattainable and very difficult thus most people have often overrated the concept. Willy talks with a resigned attitude to the American dream and shows all his frustrations around the dream. The dream is unattainable at one point and at the other, it needs people to strive and work extra hard giving more efforts to enjoy the phenomenon. As such, to attain the dream, one must not play fair, at one point seeking love and affection to be liked from the people and at the same time needing results. The concept of the American dream is about being too much successful and the cover of stardom all over a person. It gives the impression that people can just wake up and achieve their child hood dreams. When talking about the jungle, it is about getting out of the current poor state to the desired destination. On the high way to success and achieving the American dream, most people often make sacrifices that are not popular or beneficial to them. The paly depict in Willy`s perspective of the American dream that one should factor in the things that matter like family, friends, relatives and all other people who are close. It drives a basic principle that states that don’t burn the bridges on your way up because you might need them on the way back down. Ben fights unfairly and states that, “Never fight fair with a stranger” meaning success has shortcuts. However, it is critical to mention that American Dream is only attainable through hard work and determination like Bernard did.
Inability to Achieve Life Dreams
Willy can be said to have had wrong dreams from the start where he ventured in to sales while he was a gifted man at making things with his hands. The greatest impediment that Willy had to not achieving his dreams is the contradiction in the life priorities that was supposed to be his guidance from the onset. Accordingly, Willy ventured more on people liking him and loving him as the route to his success while the opposite is true. In the real life, people like to associate with people who are successful and share in with them their successes. Poor people have no inspirational story to tell and their struggle doesn’t inspire people. Accordingly, Willy should have first focused on his salesman abilities and desires through working hard and determination to attain success hence win the love or like. Charley advised Willy hoe J. P Morgan was not likes by anybody but due to his deep pockets, he was able to be loved for his money. It is important to note that even in the dreams of Willy, the driving motive or the motivation was success however, the channel of his success was in the eyes of people and dependable on other people and not his making. He never invested much in hard work and got demoralized on the likings of other people. He got comfort from Linda who states that the children loves their father but Willy is not impressed by that and nei...
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