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Analysis Essay Business Ethics Decision Situation

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Business Ethics Decision Situation
Success in a business can be greatly affected by the decision ethics which determine the code of behavior between the employer and the employees as well as the interaction between the business representatives and the clients. Hence ethics in business can create difficult situation which can lead to worse impacts the cases whereby proper decision-making fails (O'Sullivan, et al. 65). Therefore, business decision making situation is a condition which is faces by many leaders in an organization such as supervisors, managers and directors who need to be at a position to make sound decisions which can fix a given problem faced by the organization or a member of the group. An example of such could be sexual relationship among the members of an organization remain a current ethic issue in business organizations (Frederick 23). Therefore, this paper focuses on the sexual relationship among the staff in an organization which the mangers need to make wise decisions to ensure that he employees maintain the appropriate sexual boundaries between each other.
Sexual relationship among the staff as an ethic issue which is much related to morals. The moral issues ten to affect mostly the personal life which is translated to the people that they interact with at a later stage. For this reason, the manager in an organization should at all cost avoid jumping into conclusion incase such complains are reported (Frederick 56). Therefore, there is need to gather enough facts or evidence other case. This fact may be very hard to find and therefore, the manager needs to gather information from several reliable sources such as question people at random on who might be involved in the alleged behavior. During, this process, there is need to be care full on the information sources to trust since an employee can give due to information being guided by selfish desires or due to hatred or jealousy towards the other employee.
The second step would entail defining the ethical issue at depth which would make it easier to justify the course of action to be taken. This process can entail making all the possible assumption to the root cause of the problem at hand (O'Sullivan, et al. 43). For instance, the parties involve in sexual relationship could be unmarried and dating or family men and women seeking sexual satisfaction out of wedlock. For the two cases, the course of cation to be taken might follow two different paths in consideration of the circumstances under which the unethical issue occurred. In view of this, there is need to focus on one assumption at a given time while giving it enough attention to exhaust all the available possibilities.
Additionally, there is need to identify the affected people or staff involved in the ethical issue. This include the primary victims who in this case are the people involved in the case of sexual relationship. The secondary victims are the people who are affected by such behavior whose productivity at the workplace can end up being negatively affected (Frederick 77). At this step, there is need to listen to the affected individuals in a bid to understand the motive behind their actions. The main idea behind this step is to fully understand the cause of their behavior considering that the sexual relationship at times could occur due to coercion as some staff could force others to indulge bad morals by use of authority based or their ranks in the organization.
The fourth step main include determination of the possible consequences which are attributed to the decision to be made. In this context, legal measure can be taken upon the employees who force other into sexual affairs. Another possible decision could be rotation of the workers which ensure that there is perfect separation of the affected individuals. However, there is need to consider the effect of such action to the behavior of the workers as well as the productivity of the business organization (O'Sullivan, et al. 143). Where the job categories are arranges in terms of...
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