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The Analysis Of Macbeth As A Tragic Hero

Essay Instructions:

The essay must include three direct citations from the context of Macbeth.

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Student Name Course Instructor Date Tragedy and Macbeth Tragedy is an important element in literature. It acts as a stylistic device to evoke emotions from the reader. As the audience witnesses the events that unfold in the story, they connect more with the characters. The primary focus of this essay is the analysis of Macbeth as a tragic hero. In the story, the actions of Macbeth make him the tragic hero and the story as a tragedy. A tragedy is a story involving a heroic struggle and the downfall of the main character (Linnebank 2). A tragic hero refers to a character who makes a judgment error that destroys the character. Tragic heroes begin plays as high-status individuals such that their fall has a major impact. The description of tragedy and tragic hero matches perfectly the story of Macbeth. Macbeth starts the play as a Scottish nobleman of high status and immense wealth. He has distinguished himself because of his bravery and skillfulness as a warrior (Christopher 156). As a result, Macbeth has earned the favor of the king. The audience admires his accomplishments. Readers can easily be related to his ambition to become the king since such a desire is common in humans. Macbeth begins to believe that he is special and capable of doing anything. He no longer understands that his actions have consequences and hence proceeds to do what he wants. The supernatural forces enhance his delusions at work. The witches prophesy that Macbeth is merely living a fate that has already been determined for him. Through the influence of the witches and the urging of his wife, Macbeth proceeds with his ambitions to become the king. Macbeth says that “Two truths are told, as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme” (Shakespeare 1.3). He speaks these lines after realizing that the last two prophesies by the witches have been fulfilled. He believes that the third prophecy of becoming the king will also be true. Macbeth cannot the prophecy and proceeds to do whatever it takes to replace the king. He begins by murdering King Duncan to establish himself as the new king. The murder of Duncan opens up a series of killings. Macbeth declares that “blood will have blood” (Shakespeare 2.3). Consequently, each murder is worse than the previous one as he attempts to establish himself...
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