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Disordered Appetite, Addiction, and Free Will

Essay Instructions:

1. Summarize 2 of these readings in at least 400 words.
2. Also assess the arguments in what you previously summarized in at least 200 words.
3. Also summarize and discuss the other reading in at least 400 words.

Please mark the three parts, make it easy to see. Like "Summary of xxxxxx ", "Assessment of xxxxxx " or "Discussion of xxxxxx"
Here the link is one of the readings, and other two I will upload it as pdf.

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Summary of Disordered Appetite
The author writes to draw a line between addiction, moral weakness and appetites. Addiction is defined as a lack of self-control. Motivational compulsion supports the idea that addicts do not have the ability to control themselves, this is dismissed by Feinberg who says that if addicts tried harder, a temptation can be endured. Addiction is also defined in terms of reason responsive, if one is well motivated they could overcome a temptation However, the author raises questions on these claims, is it possible to tell if one really tried enough and whether addicts choose to avert the motivation or reason to overcome a temptation. The author says that the issue of addiction is the power of a desire to hold an addict’s attention and concentration, they do not exert brute force but seduce an addict, directing them rather than defeating their efforts.
The author calls addictions acquired appetites which do not affect our healthy flourishing but natural appetites for example for food and water, do affect. Addiction is challenged by dependency that leads to an acquired unhealthy appetite that even when satiated it demands for more and some go to the extent of existential attachment where they draw life meaning from their addictive behavior. He concludes that addiction leads us to be distracted by reward to a point it acts as our master CITATION Dis19 \l 1033 (Watson).
Summary of Addiction and Free Will
The author of addiction and free will states that addiction has been placed on the belief of free will whereby a lack of belief in free will has led people to become addicted to behaviors not only harmful to themselves but to others as well. The authors state two points that conflict, the society is bent on believing that each person is in control of their lives, how is it then that when it comes to addiction this free will vanishes. Scientist on the other hand counter argues this and claim that our actions are predetermined by exposure and genetics. A disbelief in free will reduces the tendency for people to think independently and fail to draw lessons from the consequences of a misbehavior. Instead they opt to shift blame as it is in deterministic perspectives that appeal that one could not help acting the way they do and actions are inevitable. This is highly preferred because it lifts off guilt from a person.
Philosophy of addiction is based on three stands, decreasing and increasing free will and a neutral stand whereby the latter and increasing free will have the same results that lead people to act responsibly and only decreasing free will causes them to act irresponsibly. Free will and self-control is unlimited in humans but genetics, exposure and social factors can determine inclinations. However, there is room for freedom since the choice to act is a voluntary. Depicting addiction in a way that people believe in free will allows them to take responsibility for their actions and this attitude is beneficial to a person and society as well CITATION Add09 \l 1033 (Kathleen D. Vohs, Roy F. Baumeister).
Arguments Assessment
Disordered Appetite
The author conclusively distinguishes addiction from appetites by calling addiction- acquired appetites different from a natural appetite where only the latter affect our healthy flourishing. Moral weakness he explains in terms of motivational compulsion which states that addicts cannot resist temptation and dismissed by the claim that if addicts tried harder they can resist. The author count...
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