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Immigration Crisis of the United States

Essay Instructions:

One-Page printed Paper Proposal due in class (Up to 50 points)

Explain your paper’s tentative focus, why it is controversial, what you plan to argue (at least initially) in a one-page, double-spaced, printed text that is due in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Immigration Crisis Student`s Name Instructor Institution Date Immigration Crisis According to President Trump of the United States, there is an inversion of their country by illegal aliens who possible includes a dangerous gang of MS-13 members, and the Middle East citizens who come with Jihadists ideology to wreck their country. The school of thought advanced by President Trump and other adherents is opposed to wide spread immigration. The notion driving such advocates state that immigrants erode their culture, they come with crimes, terrorism, rape, joblessness among the citizens and other social evils. Accordingly, supporters to such dogmas posit that the interests of their citizens must come first, and the enforcement of immigration policies which includes deportation. In the US, President Trump is calling for the building of a wall across the southern border between US and Mexico. Trump states that the country is being invaded by an onslaught of aliens, a notion which have been worsened by a caravan of coming through Mexico. Accordingly, President Trump declared a national emergency to build a wall using the military funds to prevent illegal immigration arguing that the wall will prevent people from crossing the border and reduce expenditure to Federal border agents. In E...
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