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Work Across Cultures Analysis

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Across Cultures Analysis

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Work Across Cultures
Across different culture4s, work is assigned different value and seeks to achieve different purposes. However, the common denominator across these different cultures is the fact that work is integral to living. Work is considered to be an essential component of life, and one that not only gives life meaning, but also ensures that life is comfortable or, at the very least, bearable. In this sense, the importance of work across different cultures cannot go unmentioned, and needs to be acknowledged.
One of the core roles that work plays is the provision of basic needs. As exhibited by Norberg-Hodge in Learning from Ladakh, work plays a crucial role in ensuring that the basic needs of an individual or a family are catered for. In the community of Ladakh, cooperative labor had been an integral part of their culture and existence. Because of this, the members of the community would continually collaborate on undertaking tasks such as farming in order to ensure that the entire community would be supplied with basic needs. However, the adoption of a money-based economy in the community significantly affected how work is perceived and the role that it plays, particularly in terms of cooperative labor. This situation is equally represented in money-based economies and societies where transactions typically involve products or services in exchange for money. This has completely transformed what work means in communities such as those in Ladakh, from a means of sustenance and providing basic needs, to one of acquiring money.
It is also important to note that work is a means of survival and overcoming economic pressures. As exhibited by Julia Cooke and Chitra Diva...
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