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Thematic and Logical Analysis of Readings

Essay Instructions:

Need to read the Chinese writer, because the novel is only available in Chinese. The request is How the understand the thematic and logical connections between at least THREE theoretical readings we have done so far.

I will upload a theoretical reading. Then writer plz follow the instruction above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Thematic and Logical Analysis of Readings Authors of fictional stories use different techniques to help the reader draw connections of the events happening in a text. As a reader, it can take some time to know the thematic and logical ideas that the author wants you to draw after reading a specific book. In Chapter 19-21 of the Happy Novels, the author uses different techniques to help the reader bring connections in the events taking place in the story. Right from the first line, the narration begins in a busy hometown where the characters Shengmei, Qingyina, and Andy are in their room. The conversation among the characters is used to give the reader an illustration of life in such a busy town. The characters are busy moving up and down to meet their daily needs, and it is true that they need money to survive in the city. Their relatives also rely on them. Importance of technology in communication has also been illustrated in the text. The characters use their mobile phones in communication and to keep in contact with their families who ar...
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