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Critique of Confucianism Tradition

Essay Instructions:

critique a tradition that is generally thought of as necessary, acceptable, or harmless

This should be something that most people accept as a natural part of living in a culture or as a human being, but that you believe is harmful, unnecessary, or needs to be practiced or thought about in a different way.

***I chose the topic of talking about one should be living meaningful to his/her parents, or whoever gave attention or hope to the person from Confusianism. Or if it's easier for you to write some other tradition from the Confusianism teaching, you are free to do so.

For the writing style, please refer to Buckley's Why We Don't Complains, and Anne Curzan's Why I'm asking you not to use Laptops(https://world(dot)edu/)

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Critique of Confucianism Tradition
Confucian tradition is still prevalent in my community. The prevalence of the practice has been evidenced by the many cases of parents and family members actively engaging in their children's lives. The parents go so far as to want to have the upper hand even when making major decisions like choosing marriage partners. I have witnessed a couple of arranged marriages where the parties were obliged to marry people chosen for them because of the ideology of complete obedient devotion promoted by the tradition.
Education on values in China is mainly underpinned by communitarianism's Confucian ideologies, which seek to promote the needs and interests of ‘others’ over the 'self.' The notion behind the Confucian tradition promotes order and harmony among the Chinese people. It revolves around five primary contemporary relationships. Fathers are above their sons, Husbands above their wives, older children above their siblings, and rulers above the other citizens. This practice empowers the conviction that the second-rate individual in a relationship complies, submits, and regards the one with a predominant status.
Confucianism encourages patriarchy in our society for various reasons, one of which is because family groups are hierarchical, with men coming first. According to this tradition, because parents gave birth to their children and helped them grow up, they are naturally indebted to them for the rest of their lives. Filial Piety, which remains a prevalent Confucian practice, is regarded by most people in China and other Confucian societies as the ultimate principle of each individual's existence. Filial Piety, in my opinion, is based on the premise that when kindred love and loyalty are deeply ingrained in one's life, all other products of excellence will flow from it. As a result, children are given dictated instructions on how to do things.
The Confucianism tradition remains popular in most parts of China because it provides people with false hope of a more harmonious and orderly society. As a result, most people in our community regard it as a custom that will aid in promoting mutual obligations in a variety of relationships. They believe that this way of social ties and joint responsibility is upheld in society so that society will be peaceful. However, it is worth noting that the tradition favors the common good over individual good, thus suppressing an individual's claim of rights. Through this, unideal conditions are either ignored or prohibited. I, therefore, believe that we should all desist from practices of this tradition.
Further, the head of the family in a Confucian society makes decisions representing those of the other family members. Although he might analyze the matter with other family members, he is expected to make the ultimate decision about the head of the family. This reliance on a specific person to make decisions means that the practice of Confucianism tends to silence a person's individuality into obedience. This practice often leads to infringement of the principles and rights of individual autonomy. We often witness this when decisions regarding medical procedures and career choices are being made. In these situations, the individuals whose lives will be impacted by the decisions hardly have a say.
Additionally, Confucianism advocates for inequality while advertising it as a positive thing. We frequently see this in instances where other family members or members of society are viewed as inferior or small persons. This practice of inequality often supports patriarchy in society, mainly when women are grouped as small people of low status. Through this tradition, blind confidence is conferred on a few people who often take advantage of it. Therefore, the question arises as to what will happen when the said superior members are driven with malice and tend to force the children to make poor choices. It has over the years been drilled to us not to speak up against authoritative figures for fear of humiliating ourselves, which leads to regression of society. In my view, this also Promotes rigid social relationships such that everybody is obligated to know their place in society. The son Is to obey his father and the likes, which means that no one can question authority, and nobody can think for themselves or speak for themselves. Therefore, we should desist from this practice and recognize ...
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