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Does Anything Really Matter or Did We Just Evolve to Think So Analysis

Essay Instructions:

1. Summarize the reading in at least 350 words.
2. Also assess the arguments you summarized in at least 200 words.
(Please separate as 2 different parts, 1 is summary and 2 is assessment)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Does Anything Really Matter or Did We Just Evolve to Think So Analysis
The author highlighted that people need to start caring for their children and not harm them and also, they should value their own lives. Altruists must be admired rather than condemned, and the lawbreakers in the society should not be glorified but punished. These and numerous other evaluative positions affect individuals with significant emotional force. They strike people as self-evidently accurate and command a high level of consensus across various cultures and time. It becomes tempting for people to conclude that their different beliefs are recognition of independent truths concerning what indeed is essential. The author indicates that we may hold such values due to the mindless process of evolution through natural selection which has shaped us in this manner.
The learning of new information concerning the genealogy of a belief can lead to a shift that diminishes the confidence of a person in that belief and other times it reaffirms it. Additionally, not only do people think that these adjustments in a belief system would occur but they typically think that they should take place. Geological information implies that there is no specific justification as to why people continuously hold on to a particular belief. However, it highlights to adequately draw any conclusions concerning how to adjust one’s belief such as P; one must evaluate the rational significance of the genealogical information within the context of a broader set of premises concerning what counts as an excellent justification for the belief that P.
The causes that have shaped human values are numerous, and it is possible there are innate predispositions in the belief systems of people are genetically determined to hold any on a specific value. Above all, we all have evolved t...
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