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Account Chosen the Poem ‘Welcome to The Hotel California’

Essay Instructions:

Choose one artwork (it could be a painting, a photograph, a sculptor, a building or another architectural structure, a piece of music, a song, a novel, a poem, a film, a theatrical play, a dance, a piece of performance art, or a TV show), and explain why it either supports or challenges any of the accounts of art we are studying this semester. This means that you have to choose ONE artwork and ONE of the accounts of art we are studying this semester and create a dialogue between them.

Make sure to (1) introduce and explain the account of art you have chosen as clearly and as comprehensively as you can, (2) describe the artwork of your choice in detail, and then (3) explain whether this work provides reasons to think that the chosen account is either correct about artworks or mistaken about them. In other words, after introducing and explaining the artwork and the chosen account of art, use your understanding of the work to evaluate this account of art.

If the chosen work is a work of visual art (a painting, sculpture, or a photograph), please include an image or a link to an image.

You can use whatever manual style of writing you prefer (I don’t mind which one). But make sure that your spelling and grammar are correct. The Miller Writing Center (at the RBD library) is a great place to turn to if you don’t have much experience writing academic papers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professors Name Course Date "Hotel California"[Bracketed words are the meaning of above lines]On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitas, rising up through the air[‘Colitas’ refers to the buds on the marijuana plant.]Up ahead in the distance, I saw shimmering lightMy head grew heavy and my sight grew dimI had to stop for the night[Looking for something new, character sees something(addicts) and gets curious.]There she stood in the doorway;I heard the mission bell[‘she’ is an addict and the ‘mission bell’ is a reference to the warning sounded in small towns by the church]And I was thinking to myself,'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'[The character is unsure whether to try the addictive or not.]Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way[The druggy shows character the ‘good side’ to the addictive]There were voices down the corridor,I thought I heard them say...[The character’s conscience starts to bug him]Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely place (Such a lovely place)Such a lovely facePlenty of room at the Hotel CaliforniaAny time of year (Any time of year)You can find it here[The addiction seems so good on the outside, and anyone can start.]Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes BenzShe got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friendsHow they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.Some dance to remember, some dance to forget[An alcoholic has drinking buddies who aren’t really friends.  And when they are drinking, some are drinking to remember good times while others to forget bad ones]So I called up the Captain,'Please bring me my wine'He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty-nine'And still those voices are calling from far away,Wake you up in the middle of the night[Once again the character’s conscience is kicking in]Just to hear them say...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely place (Such a lovely place)Such a lovely faceLivin' it up at the Hotel CaliforniaWhat a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)Bring your alibisMirrors on the ceiling,The pink champagne on iceAnd she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'[Once addicted, the want and need for the addictive is always there.]And in the master's chambers,They gathered for the feastThey stab it with their steely knives,But they just can't kill the beastLast thing I remember, I wasRunning for the doorI had to find the passage backTo the place I was before'Relax,' said the night man,'We are programmed to receive.You can check out any time you like,But you can never leave!'[Once addicted, there is no way back to before you were addicted.  You are scarred for life.] Account Chosen the Poem ‘Welcome to The Hotel California’ I have found it wise to use this poem which fits and supports the account of work we have studied this semester as compared to Plato's Dialogical style and Socrates Devine Inspirational art work. However, this work examines, an introduction of the chosen artwork in details, evaluates the correctness of the selected account based on the covered lectures and deploys a dialogue between the artwork and Plato's Dialogical Styles and Socrates Devine Inspiration. This poem was composed both lyrically and musically in nineteen seventy-six (1976) by the Rock band Eagles Don Henley, Glen Frey, and Don Felder. The poem is arranged in six verses and a refrain variation that comes both in the second and the fourth stanzas. The poem has the passages in it containing several lines obscured in ambiguity. Besides, the poets skillfully deployed diction as one of the poetic devices in choosing the words used in the poem to achieve the rules of the word counts successfully. However, in his word choice, the poet wisely chose the poetic vocabularies with the hidden meaning. And which have brought a sharp contradiction between the poetry analysts and the chief critics of the poem ‘Welcome to the Hotel California.' Such words are Alibis, t...
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