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Research on the Speech of the Adolescents in Glasgow

Essay Instructions:

Students will read a paper and write a 500 word response describing the research question, methods, and results of the paper and providing a brief analysis discussing their thoughts on the merits of the paper and its broader implications. There is an example response writer could look at

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Response 3
The Research Question
The research focuses of the quotations of the words go and be like which has its origin in California and has spread world over. Ronald (2001) tries to explain the changes in the use of certain words as used by the old generation and the new generation. He says that in the 90s few people would be found using the words go and be like unlike the current generation. But these frequencies vary with age, children end to use be like than the elderly and the teenagers accounted for 55% of the people who use be like, say, think, done that, be like that, go and go like that in the speech of the residents of Glasgow. The research question that Ronald asked was how the words be like were introduced in Glasgow.
Methods Used in the Research
The way in which data was collected was through two groups one was for adolescents and the other were adults with equal number of people from both genders. For each session a representative was asked to choose someone that they are able to converse with freely. The participants were free to choose the type of topic that they wanted to discuss about for half an hour while being recorded by tape recorder. This happened for both teams; the adolescent and adult group. The sessions were performed in dialogue form and also in solitary by each speaker. This is the method that was used to check the frequency of the word go and be like in Glasgow. The adolescent team was distributed ...
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