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Short Story Analysis Essay about Regret by Kate Chopin. Hills Like White Elephants. by Ernest Hemingway

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plz do Short Story Analysis Essay about this tow short story.

Regret by Kate Chopin

Hills Like White Elephants. by Ernest Hemingway

Short Story Analysis Essay AssignmentWrite an insightful and well-documented analysis of any two or more short stories that were assigned.  You may write about any number of the stories; that is, you may write an analysis of two, three, or four stories. (Authors: Chopin, Hemingway, Carver, Steinbeck, Updike, Poe.) You may also select from the other stories in Love and Light text, if you wish. You must also include in your analysis a simple research requirement, to be further explained. Simply put for now, you must do a little research to find secondary sources to reinforce your short story analysis. These sources could be relevant information about the author(s), or commentaries about the stories, or reinforcing information about the concepts (literary elements, historical contexts, for example), or any other strategic features (quotations, for example) you feel would reinforce or enhance your analysis. You must use a minimum of two secondary sources, and, of course, use correct parenthetical citation and include the sources in proper MLA form in your works cited list.***You may select from the following suggested issues, themes, motifs, etc., as subject(s) for your analysis: Symbolism (All Stories) Irony (Chopin vs Steinbeck vs Updike) Dialogue (Carver vs Hemingway vs Steinbeck vs Updike) First Person vs. Third Person Narration Metaphoric Language Description Setting (Time, Place, Social Climate, Atmosphere, etc.) Imagery: Natural Imagery/Sensory Details (All Stories) Sexuality (Chopin vs Updike vs Steinbeck) Morality (All Stories) Explorations of Love Explorations of Courage Explorations of Heroes and Heroines Explorations of Masculinity Explorations of Femininity  Unfulfilled Women (Chopin vs Steinbeck vs Hemingway vs Carver) Weak Men / Strong Men Weak Women / Strong Women Wives / Female Characters Husbands / Male Characters Children Feminist Perspective(s) Social Issues:o Marriageo Racismo Gender Roleso Oppression / Liberationo Guilto Revengeo etc. Pathos Characterizationo Bobinot vs Henry vs Brently Mallardo Calixta vs Louise Mallard vs Elisa vs Desiree vs Jigo Eliza vs Mamzelle Aurelie vs Mrs. Mallardo Clarisse and Alcee vs Calixta and Bobinot o Nick and Laura vs Mel and Teri                  o Sammy vs Nicko Montressor vs Fortunato Self-discovery Non-conformity Protagonist(s) Minor Characters (Bibi, Clarisse, Josephine, Ponto, Laura, Tinker, Henry, Queenie, etc.) Surprise Endings (Irony, Foreshadowing, etc.) Narrative Voice(s) ETC. (Make a suggestion.) Develop a topic of your own!

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Short Stories analysis
The two short stories written by Ernest Hemingway and Kate Chopin stirs the senses of the readers. These stories take readers to different times and places because they are written with rich imagery along with literary aspects like figures of speech that express the message. For example, Regret by Kate Chopin describes feminism and serves as the proof of life phenomena that examines the change of woman thought about family and marriage. “Hills like White Elephant” by Hemingway is an excellent example of the role of women in the last century. In the story, women do not have much influence in their marriages or relationships when it comes to important issues like abortion. An example of a theme that connects the two stories is unfulfilled women in the perspective of feminism, marriage, and gender roles in society. This essay analyses the two stories by Kate Chopin and Ernest Hemingway.
One of the realistic phenomenon which dominant in this story “Regret” by Kate Chopin is feminism. In the beginning of the tale, Mamzelle is described to be an influential figure and has determined eyes. She wears a man’s hat, army overcoat, and top boats. From the description; it is clear that there is no femininity and she has no desire to become feminine (Ostman, & Kate, 56). Mamzelle Aurile as a single woman had never married and suddenly had to keep Odile’s (her near neighbor), four children. She faced to be a mother and feel loneliness after the children come back home.
Before Memzelle meeting the children she has no desire of reuniting with her children or becoming feminine until she realizes something is missing out. She treats the children like farm animals. In the story, she is forced to cook, sew, and tell bedtime stories to the children. This awakens her feminine and maternal instincts, and she is left with sadness and regret. At this point, she softens to the extent that she cries and carries the grief of not bearing her children. At this particular state, the theme of regret of the story which is the title of the story is illustrated. Memzelle thought she lived a happy life until when she started taking care of the neighbor’s children. For the first time, while she was taking care of the children, she realizes the joy and happiness that life has (Ostman, & Kate, 67). Memzelle starts to regret why she did not live her life to the fullest, but she was too old to try and acquire that kind of life.
In the story, there is a sentence that shows that Mamzelle is a notable, and an influential figure. In her past, she possessed some distinctive characters which were beyond her appearance. She looked healthy and appeared in a man’s style when the children get into the picture the softer sides of her role are revealed. Those are the considerable changes in the short story based on culture and time. “Mamzelle Aurlie never thought of getting married, has never been in love. At the age of twenty, she had received a proposal, which she had readily declined, and at the age of fifty she h...
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