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Cover Letter: Growth as a Writer

Essay Instructions:

Professors intructions:

The Cover Letter presents a formal argument about your growth as a writer this semester and the evolution of your draft process. It is not an informal document or reflective journal. It is a polished commentary on your own work. Thus, the Cover Letter should include a clear thesis about your growth as a writer, how your writing process has evolved, and why you deserve a good grade. Remember: All successful cover letters make an argument—that you're the best candidate for a job, that you have a unique skill set, that you'll make a great member of a team, etc.

The Cover Letter serves three very substantial purposes:
1: It allows you to present your writing process. In the letter, you examine and comment on your writing process. In a very specific way, you reflect on the issues you have confronted as a writer. This may include issues such as the nature of drafting, making global revisions, creating an argument, developing a thesis, making sentence-level revisions, etc. This is a very specific examination of your own thinking, writing, and revising.
Look to your peer review notes on your drafts- What did you struggle with? And how have you progressed as a writer? What kind of process did you implement in creating your polished papers over the last fifteen weeks? How has your writing process changed? What do you still need to do to make your process more effective?
2: It allows you to rhetorically preface your own work. This is the first document that I read in your portfolio. Use the cover letter to showcase your progress. Illustrate what you’ve learned about your own writing process, about how you use rhetoric and language as you write, and about reading critically. Examine your own evolution as a thinker—
Arguments referring to specific documents, decisions, and evidence are persuasive. General statements have no persuasive power. Keep in mind, your goal is to convince me you have achieved the Course Objectives stated in the syllabus.
It allows you to identify problems in drafts and discuss changes you would have liked to make if you had the time. This shows me you are aware of any weaknesses of a draft. Consider adding a paragraph that includes detailed changes you would have made to each draft if you had more time.

Preparing for the Cover Letter

Here are some reflection questions to help you begin drafting your letter:
What is the most difficult part of writing many drafts? How did the difficulty change?
What kind of solutions did I develop to combat this difficulty? What worked? What failed?
What makes a draft “successful” or “unsuccessful”? What is it like to read a “successful” draft? How does that reading experience influence my life as a writer?
Do I examine my drafts or rely on my feelings following the completion of a draft? Do I return to the draft, re-read, and then draft a note? Has that author’s note process changed?
What am I most concerned about when revising? Global revision? If so—which issues seem central and reoccurring in the revision process?
What am I most concerned about when editing? Sentence-level revision? If so—which issues seem central and reoccurring in the revision process?
How do I receive and sort through the reactions of my workshop group? How do I make revision decisions given several different pieces of advice?
Specifically, how did my polished papers move from the first 3-page draft to the draft it is now? What issues did I readdress? How would I categorize that experience? What did I “learn” from that process?

An example of how to format your cover letter is available to you on Canvas, but we will also go over formatting together in class. When you download the example, make sure to view the comments to see extra notes regarding formatting advice.

Assignment Guidelines
12 pt. TNR or Calibri font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, business cover letter formatting

my instructions:
I started the semester as a terrible writer and i've definately improved since, how i struggled academically during highschool. since taking this class ive gotten much better. you can talk about how i've struggled building persuasion and not being very good at making my essays have a deeper seeding issue than what im talking about. you can talk about finding my silver lining. you just gotta make some stuff up and have it sound good. please email if you have any questions about my writing style or my personality to make the cover letter more effective. you can talk about how i procrastinate a lot and how i wont write something till the last minute, but ive found a way to make that a good thing. knowing that i work well under pressure so its easier for me to finish something before its due. you can talk about how im the right man for the job because i do take some nudging to get something done, but when i do it i can assure it will be my best work and how i think about problems from a different perspective, how i have a unique way of thinking.you can also talk about how even though ive improved my writing still has a lot of flaws. again if you have any questions please feel free to ask. there is no option for a page an a half so if you could make that happen that would be great . thank you, best regards. - levi

also i will attach a couple of my writing pieces so you can see my style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literacy Narrative
Cover Letter
Subject: Growth as a writer this semester and evolution of your draft process
Reading a lot has helped me get more organized since writing more regularly allows me to improve on my skills and utilize feedback to correct past mistakes. Like any other skill, writing requires sustained practice, and unlike before I did focus on pre-writing and the various writing exercises have been beneficial to write more coherently. It is necessary to use formal language and avoid contractions, and I have in the past used many contractions, yet this is more common to personal communication away from formal settings and academics. Readers prefer accuracy and effective writing skills helps to persuade, flows logically, and improving my writing has enhanced my ability to work under pressure.
I have improved my persuasive skills since my wring skills got better from when the semester started, had now communicate more effectively. Persuasion is an important skill in writing as I am now better placed to defend my ideas better than before, using facts, evidence and making logical augments. Prior to understanding writ exercises I at times expressed opinions as fact and even failed to provide context to enhance persuasion. Nonetheless, I now know how flawed arguments and writing affect communication, and I believe that I can now send messages in writing clearly after improving my writing skills and persuade the readers without contradicting myself.
Sometimes I used to rush in my writing waiting until the deadlines, was close and did not fully realize what I wrote and checked...
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