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2 pages/≈550 words
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Sociolinguistics and its Connection on People's Lives

Essay Instructions:

Students will read a paper and write a response describing the research question, methods, and results of the paper and providing a brief analysis discussing their thoughts on the merits of the paper and its broader implications.

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Reading Response
Sociolinguistics is all about using friendly and clear language to interact with each other; it is primarily affected by several social factors like ethnicity, social class, age, and gender. Through this particular study, Ronald Macaulay raises an important question in our minds: how non-traditional quotes affect the language of children in Glasgow. The expert thinks that these forms of language are transferred from parents to their adolescents or children.
In order to prove his viewpoint, Ronald Macaulay undertook an experiment, and the results indicate that a number of phonic changes take place when children or adolescents use non-traditional quotes. In 1997, up to 32 Glaswegians were involved in the study, and their 35-minute long response was recorded in order to evaluate the overall situation. The participants were divided into two groups (depending on their age): the first group consisted of adolescents (13-14) and the second group consisted of adults (40+). There was an equal number of male and female participants, and all of them were encouraged to choose a person with whom they were supposed to speak for a specific time, right before an audio-recorder.
The conversation session of adolescents consisted of varying amounts of speech, as they were unable to speak as clearly as adults. The expert concluded that the non-traditional quotes are excessively used by t...
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