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Summary Of The Book And My Learning Experience

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the books from the book list, the document below to read and complete a review of the book (1500-word minimum) as if you were reviewing it for a student publication. Here are some questions to consider in your review.

Why did you choose this book?

Summarize the book. What are the main topics of the book? What are several key take-aways? What are the important lessons learned?

How did the book affect you? Did you have any reactions? Was anything surprising to you? Did you have any personal connections or prior experiences with the subject matter? Did you agree with the author’s point of view?

Put the book in context. Will you be able to use the information in the book in your career, and, if so, how? Would you recommend the book to a peer or colleague? Why or why not?

Has this book made you want to continue to read for professional development? If so, what topics would you like to read about? How do you foresee using this resource for your future development?




Business Book Exposure

Business Book Exposure

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Why did you choose this book?

NACE: 1, 4

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Student addressed the question/topic in its entirety, putting forth ample effort and showing the ability to think critically through the answer.

2.0 pts

Partial Marks

Student addressed the question/topic, although, not in its entirety. OR, student did not put forth ample effort or show the ability to think critically through the answer.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Student did not address the question/topic.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summarize the book. What are the main topics of the book? What are the key take-aways of the book? What are the important lessons learned?

NACE: 3, 4

50.0 pts

Full Marks

Student addressed the question/topic in its entirety, putting forth ample effort and showing the ability to think critically through the answer.

25.0 pts

Partial Marks

Student addressed the question/topic, although, not in its entirety. OR, student did not put forth ample effort or show the ability to think critically through the answer.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Student did not address the question/topic.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome How did the book affect you? Did you have any reactions? Was anything surprising to you? Did you have any personal connections or prior experiences with the subject matter? Did you agree with the author’s point of view?


15.0 pts

Full Marks

Student addressed the question/topic in its entirety, putting forth ample effort and showing the ability to think critically through the answer.

7.0 pts

Partial Marks

Student addressed the question/topic, although, not in its entirety. OR, student did not put forth ample effort or show the ability to think critically through the answer.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Student did not address the question/topic.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Put the book in context. Will you be able to use the information in the book in your career, and, if so, how? Would you recommend the book to a peer or colleague? Why or why not?

NACE: 2, 6

15.0 pts

Full Marks

Student addressed the question/topic in its entirety, putting forth ample effort and showing the ability to think critically through the answer.

7.0 pts

Partial Marks

Student addressed the question/topic, although, not in its entirety. OR, student did not put forth ample effort or show the ability to think critically through the answer.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Student did not address the question/topic.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Has this book made you want to continue to read for professional development? If so, what topics would you like to read about? How do you foresee using this resource for your future development?

NACE: 1, 2

15.0 pts

Full Marks

Student addressed the question/topic in its entirety, putting forth ample effort and showing the ability to think critically through the answer.

7.0 pts

Partial Marks

Student addressed the question/topic, although, not in its entirety. OR, student did not put forth ample effort or show the ability to think critically through the answer.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Student did not address the question/topic.

15.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Name
Book Review
Introduction -- Why this book
The book I am going to review is Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. As it goes that there is a reason behind everything one does in his life. The reason why I chose this book is that like everyone in this world, I was trying to find a formula or a model to be successful. When I read the title of this book, I began looking for online reviews about it. I got to know that this book has sold over 25 million copies worldwide and this is what urged me to read it. Another thing that attached me toward this book was my personal experience of staying confused about how to take a well organized and well-versed path in life in order to be successful both personally and professionally.
Summary of the book and my learning experience
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change is written by a famous American businessman and author, Stephen Covey. The book was published in 1992, and it proved to be successful the same year. It was followed by another edition, which was penned and released by Covey in 2004.
The beauty of this book lies in the fact that it covers people having a variety of beliefs, personalities, characteristics, and other abilities, and no prejudice and biased judgments are involved throughout the text. It gives readers a fair space and regard that they deserve. It does not try to undermine and underestimate the life people are living right now based on how successful they are.
In this book, the author talks about the paradigm shift that how two people can differ from each other while looking at the same thing. You cannot say that one is right and the other is wrong. This variation occurs because both have different perspectives. With this paradigm, the author further talks about the principles and inside-out. All these ideas are presented in the book to provoke a thoughtful process in people. Covey uses his 25 years of experience in the field to bring all these ideas in the form of a book. He seems to have learned all this after meeting numerous people. He might have felt that they are starving for a balanced and effective lifestyle which can guarantee success. He admits the fact that many habits are a product of human instinct, but still things can be organized in life to ensure happiness.
The author, in order to convey his message, says that humans are like a black paper and that they have to make struggle in order to write something on a black paper for their evolution purpose (Covey 20). He goes on to say that the set of 7 habits is not something he has come up with instantly; in fact, these habits belong to the people who are striving for excellence and are going through the process of personal development. A person can embark on a journey to work around the 7 habits if he goes through internal change and brings positivity to his life as well as to his character and personality.
Covey believes that every person’s attitude is based on their behavior and a paradigm is part of his personality. It is fine, but that paradigm must be checked against the forces of reality before embracing them. While talking about the inside-out, Covey encourages his readers to bring out their inner. He motivates them to assess their internal character and personality. Then they can make a decision on the basis of what comes out of their mind or what is part of their personality. It means if you build yourself internally, you would be able to build good relationships with others around you.
Extending his vision on inside-out he mentions that the internal sickness or moral ills inside a human being are the root cause of how we behave and how we develop our attitudes. If someone wants to target the outside to fix the personality problems that it is not going to work at all. He must target the roots (personal problems) to refine the outer (what is apparent – personality).
The 7 habits Covey talks about personal development are as follows:
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