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Stereotypes Pertaining To Sex And Sexuality

Essay Instructions:

View the following videos before completing the questions:

Finding Love with a Disability https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=fW5FKou4qC8&feature=youtu.be

Sexabled: Disability Uncensored https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=EqlURsGgdsM&feature=related+

This Disabled Activist Refuses to be Fetishized by Men https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=MstJ_NjmrkY

Based on the videos this week please respond to the following questions. Make sure to number your answers (250-300 words).

1) Name one myth or stereotype that PWOD believe about PWD as it pertains to sex and sexuality. 

2) For your answer in #1, how would you dispel that myth or stereotype (prove untrue), based on the readings/videos from this week and throughout this course. Basically, if someone you knew said the myth/stereotype, what would you say to explain to them it wasn't correct.

3) After reading/watching materials for this week, how have your perceptions of PWD and sex/sexuality changed? Was there something in this weeks materials that made you think "I always assumed ..." or "I always thought..."?

4) Creating meaningful relationships and finding love is a basic human need. As you have learned this week, for PWD there are often societal barriers that can make this more difficult. 5a): Why is it important for PWD to have these same relationships and opportunities as PWOD and 5b): What are the negative effects of having more limited opportunities over one's lifetime?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Disability and Sexuality
1 Stereotypes pertaining to Sex and Sexuality
People with Disabilities (PWD) encounter different forms of stereotypes that affect their lives disproportionately as compared to People without Disabilities (PWOD). Besides, PWD endure different forms of negative attitudes because of people’s misunderstanding and lack of information. One of the common stereotypes emanates from the fact that people with disabilities cannot have any sexual relationships.
2 Dispel the Myth
The argument that PWDs cannot have a sexual relationship is just a misconception. Apparently, PWDs are sexually-active human beings and can have children either naturally through adoption. In fact, such persons have erogenous orgasmic zones in different parts of their bodies, which allow them to enjoy sex like other people. However, some impaired individuals might encounter difficulties in locomotion, thus making it challenging for such persons to practice intimacy. Therefore, it is imperative for the government and any other relevant stakeholders to create awareness on the need to abandon such a retrogressive misconception.
3 Change of perceptions of PWD
Yes, my p...
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