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WSC001: My Passion Of Reading Books

Essay Instructions:


Writing Studies and Composition


Prof. Plath

Essay #3


I love only what a person has written with his blood. Write with blood, and you will find that blood is spirit—Nietzsche

Hubert Selby Jr.’s passion was writing. It kept him alive. The act of writing was like defibrillator paddles upon his stalled heart. For essay #3, write a LETTER to Hubert Selby Jr. discussing in one or two (the most) paragraphs something that resonated with you from his short essay “Why I Continue to Write,” then move on and briefly define what you think “a passion” is, and then for the rest of the essay talk about what your passion is. What jumpstarts your heart, so to speak? Or if you don’t not have a passion, or are searching for one, explore that in depth. So to be clear, the majority of the essay should be about you—discussing Selby’s essay is just a starting point. Be honest. Be detailed. Use your five senses when writing. Follow guidelines below. Don’t be afraid to go over the minimum! If you have any questions feel free to ask…


1,000 words

Times New Roman/12-point font

One-inch margins all around


Five paragraphs (or more)

Creatively titled





Essay Sample Content Preview:
From: (insert your name and address), To: Hubert Selby, Dear Hubert, RE: MY PASSION OF READING BOOKS Writing is a way of reflecting individuals’ thoughts on the things happening to them or a wish of things that they would love to know. For an individual to produce a great masterpiece, they need to have a purpose or inspiration on what they are talking about. I find you to be a great writer whose works have gained fame over the years. Among the works is the short essay "why I continue to write." Some of the things that resonated me in this essay are the reason as to why you began writing. You made writing seem like an art that motivated you to, love because you could think about your death and how you will have wasted your life. Just like any other beginner in the world of writing, it is never easy. An empty piece of paper could be terrifying, but fortunately, nobody teaches someone on how to write. I like the fact that you were able to look forward on what the future holds for you and be able to write despite the fact that you did not know what to write. However, through your passion for wanting to leave a legacy in the world, it has been easy for you to keep on writing as described in the essay. It seems like writing has become your passion other than the other activities that you engage in. The fact that nobody taught you how to write is a great inspiration to me because it makes me believe that I can pursue any dream without getting much help from other people. I have realized that I have a passion for reading books and other articles. I am not sure whether I can write, but I always get the urge to put down the ideas that cross my mind into a book. In the past few years, I have read all the collection from your essays and books, and I can admit that you are an inspiration to the young people who think that they do not have a purpose in life. Through reading, I have been able to gain knowledge on plenty of things that happen to people across the world. This passion has occupied plenty of my time to the extent that I barely get enough time to hang out with my friends. I have this pushing force that wants me to stay indoors whenever I am free to read a book. Funny enough my parents have begun to complain about my unavailability to interact with the rest of the family members. However, this does not worry me a lot because the thoughts of parent’s concern disappear as soon as I start reading a book. I am not sure whether this is just...
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