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Comparison Between Hamlet The Paly And Its Movie Adaption

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Comparison between Hamlet the paly and its movie adaption
By the time there are various cinematic adaptions of Hamlet. However, without a slightest doubt the Hamlets of Laurence Olivier, Franco Zeffirelli, Kenneth Branagh, and Michael Almereyda are unusually popular movies (Rogers). This paper will discuss the adaption of shakesperan Hamlet by Franco Zeffireli. It will discuss the cinematic representation of characters and their chracteristics, thereby moving towars analyzing theme of the film. Lastly, it will comprehensively discuss the layout of the film along with the costumes and the time period reflected in it. the The adaption of Shakespeare’s paly Hamlet by Franco Zeffirelli is excellence in its name. Prior to hamlet, the Italian director has already adapted various Shakespearean work for screen, like Romeo and Juliet and “The Taming of the Shrew”. Just like his previous works, Hamlet also has “a highly distinctive style, suited to fulfilling its goals as a popularizer” (Hapgood). The director struggled to make film a part of the culture, there by incorporated Hollywood narration style and temperament that enhanced with the duration of film. He wanted to explore the development of theatrical notions on the screen.
Character and characterization
Hamlet.In the movie, rendition of hamlet played by Mel Gibson was remarkable. Although a lot of the dialogues were altered, yet hamlet delivered all the attributes of the character as per the novel. The performance of Mel Gibson was phenomenal he bought Hamlet to life.Gertrude
In the original Hamlet by Shakespeare, Gertrude, is depicted to be quite mature and sophisticated lady as indicated by lines. At the beginning, Gertrude, whilst mourning his dead husband puts one of her hairpin in his coffin. There by throughout the film, as he had only one hair pin left, appears as Hamlet and Claudius are fighting for the other pin. The pin is symbolized as her support. In the zeffirelli rendition of Shakespeare, Gertrude is not represented with the same dignity and maturity. She appears to be childish. In the depiction of the above mentioned scene, she mourns and grieves her dead husband while looking at Claudius. Moreover, in the scene with king Claudius speech the queen was supposed to portray a monotone expression but in the movie she appears quite delighted. In the movie, it is represented as the queen is quite pleased with her marriage to king Claudius which opposite to the original play.
In the paly by Shakespeare, Fortinbras role had to avenge his father’s death and reclaim his lands. In the end, fortinbras was given the throne by hamlet and he orders a funeral ceremony for hamlet. This indicates the significance of his character. He played the role of enemy of war. But he was forbidden from waging a war against Denmark. But towards the end, his armies reach Elsinore. Before his death as king Hamlet expresses who should have the throne, Fortinbras. ‘But I do prophesy the’election lights on fortinbras. He has my dying voice” (5.2.360-361). Fortinbras enter the chambers of dead bodies and orders the to carry Hamlet’s body as a solider. “Bear Hamlet like a soldier to the stage, for he was likely, had he been put on, to have proved most royal” ( 5.2.401-403). Whereas in the movie, this entire scene was cut. The underlying reason as the theme of war was omitted from film so there was no logical explanation for portraying this scene.
The character of Horatio is reflected as background character in the film whereas in the novel, his character is reflected to be extremely helpful.
In the play, the Ophelia is the character who tells about Hamlet’s Madness and love and their confrontation. It states “Mad for thy love?” Polonius asks Ophelia (2.1.84). In the movie, Ophelia does not tell Polonius but it hamlet’s strange behavior is shown through the audience by Polonius spying on them. In the Act 4, Ophelia goes mad and her lines for singing have been cut (4.5. 50-70).
The film does not showcase all the themes present in the play. The theme of war and guilt are omitted altohether. The theme of war is significantly eliminated by absence of fortinbras character. Moreover, there is no reflection of Claudius reactions and it removes the theme of guilt. Revenge is the primary theme of the movie along with Gender and madness. Owing to the removal of war and guilt, the movie becomes all about endeavors of hamlet in order to avenge death of his father. It has been showcased through hamlet’s madness, strategizing, seeking justice for his father and mother. In Shakespeare original novel, there are three plots of revenge, three sons avenging their father’s death.
In the entire movie and novel, the theme of madness is central to it. it is displayed through madness of Hamlet and inquisitions of characters around him. Polonius misunderstood the cause of madness of hamlet to be Ophelia, where as in reality it was due to death of his father and involvement Claudius in it. Moreover, sufficient screen time is dedicated for representing Ophelia’s fit of madness. The reflection of madness and its intensity in the movie and book is similar. According to both book and movie, madness is the reason behind Hamlet’s changed behavior and interaction with everyone
The movie and the novel similarly displays the relationship of Hamlet with both female characters. With Gertrude, hamlet is frustrated with her marriage to Claudius and opposes it quite apparently. The urgency in marriage after his father’s death makes him suspicious of it. With regard to his relationship with Ophelia, he doesn’t have the knowledge of her being controlled by Polonius and is heart...
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