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Dead Weight Loss Measurements And Fossil Fuel Use

Essay Instructions:

"A two page discussion write up is due as soon as you can get it to me (in either Wed or Friday's class) based on the first discussion. You are responsible for selecting the most important questions from the question cluster and giving the class's understanding of them. This can be either an essay or a question and answer format.

Also we are working on the individual and aggregate supply curves so you should rescan those chapters and if you are constructing note cards, I would recommend those as well."

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Deadweight loss measurements and fossil fuel use
Harberger proposed one of the approaches to estimating the effect of an increase in the tax on social welfare by focusing on differentiation and the first-order conditions from consumer and firm maximization yield. The implication is that the effect of the tax on equilibrium quantity in the taxed market is useful to analyze the efficiency when there are tax changes. When taxes on a good are applied to the buyers or sellers of that good, the price paid by the buyers’ increases and the price that the sellers receive decreases, and the tax burden is distributed between producers and consumers. The misallocation of resources caused by monopolistic behavior is also determined to estimate the impact of the inefficiency equal in the economy.
The height of the Harberger triangle (deadweight loss triangle) is the tax rate, while the amount by which sales fall in reaction to the tax is the base and the area measures the deadweight loss (Hines, 168). Prior to the Harberger’s work, economists rarely measured the deadweight loss, but the simple calculations do not provide explanations adopted do not provide a comprehensive measurement of the deadweight losses (Hines, 168). Nonetheless, there is a reasonable estimate of the excess burden using Harberger’s, whereby small distortions make little difference, while great distortions affect the final outcomes. As such, when there are distortions, it is necessary to estimate the magnitude of these distortions to make a reasonable estimate of the deadweight loss.
Jenkins supported the use of supply and demand curves to measure the consumer surplus and increase efficiency. Similarly, Dupuit relie...
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