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Google and the Death of Creativity among Students and Scholars

Essay Instructions:

Thesis statement:People tend to rely on google too much, the more dependent we become with technology, the less our brain works and the less our intelligence increase. Write three reason content not too broad to find four resources https from the database of this website ://library.stonybrook.edu/ can be found from this database http://web(dot)b(dot)ebscohost(dot)com(dot)proxy(dot)library(dot)stonybrook(dot)edu/ehost/search/basic?vid=0&sid=b30db977-6810-4874- 99bf-5778e31634fd%40sessionmgr101

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Google and the Death of Creativity among Students and Scholars
In modern times, the technology has evolved too much, and it has made it possible for the learners and the researchers to find every information that they require in a flash of a second. The technology has gone to the extent of simplifying everything for the learners so that they can simply type a keyword and they get millions of results within a few seconds. There are plenty of journals, scholarly articles and electronic books which are readily available. Google has made most of the information readily available, affordable, and accessible to the students. This easiness has translated to a large number of students and researchers to overly depend on the Google search to look for their required solutions. For this reason, students, scholars, and researchers tend to rely on Google too much, the more dependent they become with technology, the less their brain work and the less their intelligence increase.
Google is the most commonly used search engine which uses the keywords to help people find the information that they need from the internet. It contains millions of information resources which can be retrieved just by a simple process of keying the keywords on the search bar. In recent times, there has been a controversy over the use of the internet among scholars to find information and data easily. Researchers have argued that the use of Google to look for readily available information has killed creativity and mental intelligence, especially among the young students and scholars. Therefore, this paper aims at looking at the negative consequences of using the google search engine in research as opposed to the critical and creative mind involving process.
The Case against Google Search
Google search has made everything that a learner or a researcher would want readily available, accessible and affordable. It cost, nothing to access most of the materials in the Google search engines. The answer to everything that you would wish to search is found in Google (Carr 91). A person simply needs to perform a simple exercise referred to as googling to obtain whatever they are searching for. That means that any time a student requires some knowledge or some answers, they do not struggle to get the answers through the traditional creative and innovative method. They just need to draw out their computers or the smartphones and get every answer which has killed the creative search of knowledge.
In this technological era, the world has seen more improvement in technology than it has ever seen before. The technology has simplified life and almost everything that students do not have to struggle to get anything through research. But the simplification of the research methods has created less intelligent and less creative minds today. Technology especially the google search has made students lazy (Jamali 289). No one wants to go into the right way of researching the right procedures such as experimenting or conducting studies because every data, research or even the theories are found over the internet.
In the olden days before the rise of technology and the internet google search, scholars used to be very inquisitive about the nature of things and these questions coupled with guided research provided new knowledge and theories. That is the reason why we have a lot of knowledge today that we can always use and find the answers to the nature of things and the occurrences. If compared with today's world, students do not want to spend long hours and most of their time doing research. The reason is that there is a shortcut to getting things done (Sparrow 776). What has facilitated this laziness among the leaners and the scholars is the availability of easily accessible information. With the current trend, it will reach a point that no new knowledge will be created due to the death of creativity and critical research. That is the time that the world will acknowledge the harm that the search engines such as Google have brought to us.
To put the argument in a broader perspective, we need to understand how our predecessors made the innovations and the discoveries. It all starts with a simple question, “I wonder.” When scholars wonder about the occurrence or the reason why things happen in a certain way and so on, what follows is the search of knowledge. Before the emergence of the search engines like google, there was always a powerful force behind the two words “I wonder.” It led to curiosity and an intellectual search of knowledge among the scholars (Nicholas 35). The mental gears of the researcher would start running desiring to know more about the subject of the question. This curiosity is the force that propelled scholars and researchers to seek for the answers and the explanation behind things relentlessly. If the issue were between two scholars, they would argue and finally, end up into a consensus about the topic. They would think creatively, theorize many ideas and formulate the concepts aimed at answering the question. Lastly, it would always lead to an answer that would ultimately change the world.
Sadly, none of that will happen today. Any time that a student or a scholar has a question, they will already have an answer. The reason is that they google the issues and the results are instant (Stein 376). Finding the answers promptly kills creativity and intellect. The brain becomes dormant such that the learner or the researcher cannot invent new things. It is apparent that it is good to get a quick answer but at the cost of depriving the world new knowledge that it could have been obtaining from that question.
Googling provide a way of least resistance to the brain. What follows is that students become intellectually lazy (Stein 375). It becomes so easy for students and scholars to search for knowledge. Also having access to information is great, but it neither challenges students nor inspires them. What it does is that it puts students’ thinking in a box. It should also be noted that the generated search results may be inaccurate or very ...
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