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2 pages/≈550 words
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Analysis of the Dora Bruder by Modiano

Essay Instructions:

Write a two-page response paper based on the instruction attached. Please quote from the book Dora Bruder from page 11 - 57 to support your idea. No outside sources are allowed in the paper. Thanks

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Analysis of the Dora Bruder by Modiano
When you are writing a story, you will often be required to recall the things which you want to talk about. By remembering the details of your story, you will be at a better position of formulating an interesting story to capture the attention of the readers. In the book, Dora Bruder, the author Modiano recalls the events surrounding the disappearance of a young girl Dora Bruder in a way that captures the attention of the reader. From the first line of the book, one can easily recognize that the author is talking their mind. The author uses styles such as flashback, vivid description, rhetoric and imagery to remember the occurrences and write them down.
The use of flashback is evident throughout the entire essay. The author mentions how he is going back to the beginning of time to recall some of the events. For example, in page 14, the author says, “I’m trying to search for clues, going far, far back in time. When I was about twelve,”(Madiano, 14). In this text, the author is explaining to the reader how he is recalling the events that happened twelve years ago. The use of flashback style in the book helps the reader to connect with the author. The reader will often feel connected and they can easily create an image in their mind about what happened to the author twelve years ago. The use of flashback style is evident throughout the entire essay and it is through this style that the entire story of Dora Bruder has been mentioned. Flashback also helps the read...
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