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Darwin Immanence Differentiates Human Beings

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Differentiates Human Beings

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Natural selection theory refers to the different survival and reproduction traits of individual due to different genotype. It’s clear that all men can reason at some different degree about the concern of somethings this results into improving their re.asoning (Batalie,34) capability which gives them the delightfulness in looking for the truth and asset of reason in everything. The ability to have sense and making of memory is common to all creatures. Rational mind is a sin that human beings possess, it makes be familiar with things they encounter either by recognizing its figure and listening to the voice. The mind of a human being is unique in ways that It comprehends a figure of four sides without any formation of their equality and joins these single formations into one idea of square.
According to Darwin Immanence is what differentiates human beings from animals, (it can be said its due to their nature of making but in this case it refers to an animals eating the other (the immanence of the eater and the eaten). It’s clear that animals from same species do not feed on the other unless it’s a matter of survival of the fittest. There is nothing that familiarizes the relation of the master to the one he orders that might form self-sufficiency on one side depending on the other side (Batalie, 36). Since animals eats one other this comes as view of one has outstanding strength against the other and not of much different from the other only in exception of quantitative differences (Heidegger, 22). The issues of dependency and independency also relates to other forms of life excluding humans and animals. This is seen as other plants also do depend on other to survive, when such is denied of them or when the resources are out of limit they become a waste matter to the environment.
Darwin’s explanation on how Animals do have various behaviors according to diverse conditions. these comportments are the initial power point for relevant differences and distinguishing would require the perfection of the species having to be different. Attractive or distressing sensations allows animals of same species not to eat one another. (Derrida, 114) The idea of having a violent life comes as a turn of event as an animal needs to defend its self or protecting it life opposite to human’s violent results as an act of selfishness in order to maintain a certain line of respect. This appears to them as something repellent or has no meaning it’s a sign hence not triggering of the same species as food. Fighting between rivals is another convulsion where the insubstantial shadows occurs from the unavoidable responses to incitements.
Human beings can also be identified as animals, in this scenario humans pose to view animals in their natural state as naked, but there is no shame in nudity in nature where else humans cover themselves by putting up clothes. Humans are referring to as originated from animals hence they evolved from a given period of time. Animals tend to fight their way to survival, where the prey puts much effort not to be caught and feed from by the predators, this does not make humans unique from animals but humans do it differently when they have to strive to survive with others just to have a better living standard or to eat. The capability to apply common sense is an ability that human display better than animals which tend to follow their instincts regarding their day6 to day lives in the environment (Levinas, 48). The will to pass proper judgement, to make certain decision and to whether to know the consequences brought by a certain action and how it will impact on the surrounding.
The components that constitutes up to make a whole man according to biblical studies is the body and soul to be emerge together to make one thus a man. It is easier to acknowledge matter and addition than to concede that an immaterial thing could change and also be stimulated by a body The body and soul are said to be of distinctive character, and the soul cannot be moved without the other (Elizabeth, 4). To bring the full purpose of the body the two must conjoin in order to function properly. The extension of this matter is of different nature. The principle of metaphysics gives clear knowledge between our relationship with God, body and soul. The soul has properties that we humans don’t understand and that conflict with our understanding that the soul is responsible for moving the body. The idea of God created man into his image and likeness, puts a man into an important position, to act under self-consciousness, to have knowledge and seeking the truth.
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