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A Funny Story: Dance Competitions

Essay Instructions:

Please write about a funny story of a highschool boy whos coming from china and studying in america.

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Student Name Professor Name Course Date A Funny Story Life of high school students is full of problems. Sometimes they are challenged to attend their classes early in the morning, sometimes they have to do part-time jobs to finance their studies, and the other times they are urged to show good performance in both curricular and extracurricular activities. Just like other high school students, my life has been full of problems, but I have always tried to stay calm. I came to the United States from China for higher studies, and it took me a lot of time to understand the cultural and traditional values of America. Now I have made a couple of good friends here in the United States. My current financial position is better than last year, as I have started participating in dance competitions where big amounts are paid to the winners. Here, I would like to share one of the most recent, funny incidents. The previous month, I had to do salsa before a group of friends. As per the requirements, I was to wear leggings with a light yellow shirt. I wore the same and came to the stage in order to do some practice. In the middle of the performance, I felt that my leggings were torn into pieces. All of the group members began laughing at me, but thankfully, I managed to go inside instantly to have them changed. I had a short of time, so I borr...
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