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Relationship between “The Death of a Salesman” and the American dream

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The Relationship between “The Death of a Salesman” and the American dream

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Student Name Course Instructor Date The Relationship between “The Death of a Salesman” and the American dream James Adams first coined the term “American dream.” The term denotes a land where life is better and richer for every individual. Adams believed in a country where there is an opportunity for all individuals to achieve according to their ability. The American dream has come to represent the pursuit of wealth. In “Death of a Salesman,” Arthur Miller analyzes the American dream through the life of the protagonist, salesman Willy Loman, and the other characters. Bernard is Willy’s older brother. His success demonstrates that it is possible to achieve the American dream. Through academic success and hard work, Bernard manages to become a respected lawyer. His character is connected to the real meaning of the American dream. Bernard began working towards his goal at the age of 17 years. At 21 years, he manages to become wealthy and become successful. Surprisingly, Bernard has created his success in Africa, rather than in America. Bernard’s character demonstrates that few individuals can attain the “rags to riches” version of the American Dream. However, Miller suggests that one must be ruthless in achieving it. In the play, Willy is the protagonist. Willy’s version of the American dream is different from what most people expect. He strives to be “well-liked, athletic and popular” (42). Additionally, Willy chooses to attain monetary success as opposed to attaining what makes him happy. Willy never manages to achieve the American dream since he fails to follow his true dreams. He b...
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