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AI-Driven Design: Change the world or formatting the world (Literature & Language Essay)

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Siyu Chen
Intensive English Program
Rachid Eladlouni
Oct 13, 2019
AI-Driven Design: Change the world or formatting the world
Human culture is developing at a fast speed; lives around us are getting more intelligent and convenient. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is playing an essential role in our daily lives. More and more people start to rely on Artificial Intelligence (AI) instead of working by themselves. AI-driven design is the best example of it. Better work efficiency, faster way for consumers to see the results, and a favorable price for people to pay. Accordingly, in this article, the author would like to analyze whether AI systems are beneficial for the world of graphic design. This will include an analysis of the cost, value, and impact of the AI design in the field. The author believes that despite the helpfulness of AIs in the field of graphic design, its capabilities are still unrefined and undeveloped compared to human designs, which make it more of a problem.
One of the main problems of AI-driven design is cost. Like any other technology, new pieces of software designed to create design ideas and results from scratch would be more costly than human designers. Take, for example, smartphone technology. Before the smartphone revolution, simplistic designs cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Today, however, these designs have become more affordable that almost everyone is using their smartphone. In line with the technology ...
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