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The Civil Rights Movement: Addressed by John F. Kennedy and Malcolm X

Essay Instructions:

Write four paragraphs (this includes an introduction paragraph and a conclusion)

Write about John F. Kennedy Civil Rights Address and Malcolm X’s Fiery Speech Addressing Police Brutality.

For this part of the exam you will write a short essay. Your essay should contain at least four paragraphs (this includes an introduction paragraph and a conclusion). Remember to indent your paragraphs and include a space between each one. The paragraphs should be at least four sentences long. You will need to include at least one quote from one of the sources you use.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Civil Rights Movement
The call for equal treatment and opportunity for everyone of different races is still in the process. One of the most victimized and racialized people is the black people who have always fallen victim to society’s discrimination. In Malcolm X’s speech of police brutality after his friend’s unfair death, he condemned the unfair justice and treatment that the authority gives to the people of color (Matus and Morrison).
Through his civil rights speech, the late ex-president John F. Kennedy had helped the civil rights movement move forward. His speech acted on the degradation of culture that happened between races. His initiative brought encouragement to the black people to keep their fight for their rights. As he believe...
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