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Chicano Movement

Essay Instructions:

watch the documentary and reading. Write your thoughts on them

Use casual language. Not a formal essay. Can use the pronoun “I”.

topic is about Chicano movement.


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Reflection 6
The book Youth, Identity, Power represents the changing historical times, in which different groups were waking up and acknowledging their rights. The Chicano movement is one of the several movements that sprouted as previously marginalized individuals started trusting in their potentials and understanding that we were all created equal. We are all humans with different capabilities, and therefore, you cannot purport to be superior to me based on your potentials.
Like in the rest of the movements, Carlos Munoz, the author of the book, places the Chicano movement in the broader political context that pitted Mexicans against the dominant whites. The Chicanos were also undergoing similar oppression to the rest of the minority groups until they decided to rise against the system and fight for their rights. Their resolution to self-determine became their driving force both in the social and political sphere (Muñoz, 191). Consequently, they decided to use education to pursue their political interests since politics played a crucial role in shaping societal developments.
Politics is the backbone of any society as it controls virtually everything. The social, economic, cultural, and religious well-being of any community either wholly or partly depends on society's political muscle. Racial or ethnic entities that are weak politically tend to suffer socially, economically, and culturally. The social and economic suffering is based on resource distribution. Politically dominant groups enjoy more resources and control the rest of the groups. Such communities are socially and economically empowered as they control trade and other revenue-generating and meaningful activities. They live in ...
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