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Critical Synthesis Essay: COVID-19 in Campuses

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COVID-19 in Campuses
COVID-19 has proved to be a major health risk for the community and students in colleges and campuses. The disease has greatly disoriented general learning programs, and universities are looking to have effective preventive measures that will accord a safe learning environment free of contraction of COVID-19. Therefore, unless a vaccine comes along, we exist in a universe with enhanced personal and community health risks. For students, their behavior on campus and off campuses will greatly determine the level of health preparedness and safekeeping for their well-being and the campus fraternity. The main goal for students and their lecturers will be to keep the schools safe by adopting compliance safety plans that will keep the schools safe from the spread of COVID-19. With all these calls for setting up safety precautions on campuses, most campuses are setting up rules where students are asked to report in fellow students who fault the healthy protocols put in place. It is an approach that presents some challenges to the students because that makes them act in authority. Campus analysis on the spread of COVID-19 has reported the increased spread of the virus to campus students; this report calls for great measures to curb the virus's spread. The paper will therefore look into discussing the increased spread of the virus on campuses, the implications of student behavior to the spread of the virus, setting up compliance safety plans for students, and the issue of having students report those who fault the setup health protocols.
The Washington Post reported an increased spread of COVID-19 on young people right after the schools' reopening. The reports indicated a national increase among young people aged 18-22 from 2nd August to 5Th September (Svrluga 4). The CDC released this information, where young people were urged to stay vigilant of the spread of the virus. As various universities in the country continue to reopen, virus cases have been closely monitored to ascertain if the universities are the hot spots in the spread of the disease and the healthy protocols that students ought to follow to curb the virus's spread. Most of the young people aged between 18 years to 22 years are in colleges. Therefore, colleges have designed plans that include reducing communal housing programs, having students observe social distancing, and increasing testing. North Carolina University was examined by the CDS, as they saw a dramatic spike of cases when the semester began. Communal housing programs and gatherings were the contributing factors to the spike. Therefore, health officials are working closely with the universities to design mitigations that will aid in curbing the spread of the virus among students. Ensuring social distancing among students and the case of communal housing was the primary element that health officials were looking to address.
Unless a vaccine saves the day, we continue to live with this deadly virus with enhanced health risks across every sector (Cornell 3). Student’s behavior has been attributed to the spread of the virus on campuses, but the truth is universities aren't able to prevent these risks. According to the Cornell community, the only approachable remedies include the adoption of shared responsibility for the well-being of everyone. It is an approach that involves behavior off and on campus. The Cornell University adopted a behavioral compact that will have students abide by the local, federal, University mandates, protocols, and policies that relate to COVID-19. This also includes testing and training. Cornell's behavioral compact looks to take disciplinary actions against anyone that violates the policies given under the compact. The disciplinary actions will include expulsion in on-campus activities like accessing any buildings and the ...
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