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Essay Instructions:
I have an essay to do which I just do not have the time with all else going on to complete. It is for my final English summative. It is to be a 5 paragraph essay referring to Mary Shelley\'s novel Frankenstein. The instructions are as follows: WRITE A WELL - ORGANIZED FIVE PARAGRAPH ESSAY ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS. ALTHOUGH TOPICS CAN BE DEVELOPED BEYOND THE SCOPE OF THE NOVEL, THE NOVEL SHOULD STILL BE REFERRED TO FREQUENTLY FOR EXAMPLES. The topics are: 1) THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE. CAN TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE BE A BAD THING?/ 2) ARE WE DEVELOPED MORE BY NATURE OR NURTURE?/ 3) THE IMPORTANCE OF PARENT/CHILD RELATIONSHIPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD./ 4) GUILT AND REDEMPTION: \"IS THERE A WAY TO BE GOOD AGAIN\"?/ 5) OTHERNESS: WHY PREJUDICE FLOURISHES AND HOW CAN IT BE COMBATED?. I will leave it to you to pick one and make your own title and thesis for which you like. As the instructions said must use the novel frequently for examples, can be paraphrased or direct quoates but quoates will have to be cited. Can use more than the book as a source but not necessary as long as it is cited. I am including the 5 paragraph template we were given to use to help with the essay rather you want to use it as reference or not. Template Link: http://dl(dot)dropbox(dot)com/u/70131164/5%20Paragraph%20Essay%20Template.docx
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FRANKENSTEIN- Are We Developed By Nurture or Nature?
Though almost two Centuries old, the story of Dr. Frankenstein and the monster he created has continued to thrill audiences as well as offer them life lessons at the same time. This story is a perfect mix and balance of Science fiction and morality. The simplicity of the plot is just adequate enough to allow the readers to digest the story in manageable portions as they read on or watch it on stage. This Story offers the reader with a vantage point from which he or she can witness and perhaps concede to the fact that who we are is more a product of nurture than nature. Both nurture and how we are born have an impact on the people we become. Nevertheless, the manner in which we are brought up in or the conditions in which we live in when we grow up ultimately overshadow the innate character traits which we are born with.
The Creature that DR. Frankenstein Creates only becomes portrayed as a monster because of things that happen to it after its creation. First of all the creature is vilified by human beings because of its appearance which they find quite unsettling (Shelley 68, Shelley 189). We also see that the creature becomes violent only after he is subjected to the same by human beings. Thirdly, the issue of vengeance is also a learnt trait he picks up from his creator, Dr. Frankenstein. Nurture also played a small but albeit important part in making this creature what it was. These were not isolated incidents but rather recurrent in the creature’s life.
The first instance where the creature gets vilified is when Frankenstein sets his eyes on the creation once it has come to life. As soon as Frankenstein was done with his creation, he set his eyes upon the creature; he noticed that it was a hideous being and an eyesore (Shelley 69). At this moment, the creator, Frankenstein decides to abandon the thing that he has made and decides to take off. In the creature’s first interaction with a human being, its creator, he gets rejected. He is then left to his own means to fend for himself yet he has nobody to guide him, considering he is new to the world. While the creature is narrating to Frankenstein the circumstances surrounding young William’s murder, we see him being rejected again. The boy shouts at the fiend saying, “Hideous monster! Let me go!” (Shelley 212).
The boy was particularly dejected by the physical appearance of the being that wanted to take him as a companion. The fiend is further convinced of his ugliness when he reads the books he finds in the cottage. “…My person was hideous and my stature gigantic, who was I?”(Shelley 189) These incidents help to convince the creature that he is indeed a monster and that he can’t live with human beings. When the creature came to life, it didn’t know that it was ugly; this concept came to its mind after he began interacting with human beings.
Secondly in the story we see that the creature Frankenstein becomes violent only after being exposed to the same....
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