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Personal Identity

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I would please like an essay about personnel identity,and about how to embrace who we are and where we are from.
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Personal Identity
Personal identity is a social science terminology that resonates with the distinct personality that persists on entity in an individual. Identity describes the expression and conception of individuals in group or individuality affiliations. Identity drives at cultural identity and national identity. The term is mostly applied in sociology; psychology and the combination of the two terms are commonly defined as the social psychology. Personal identity defines where a person has come from and who they are.
Identity is a trait that defines distinctive character in an individual or people in a defined social group. Identity means the ‘same’ indicating the individual concerns towards who they are and where they have come from. It involves going back to the roots that defines the cultural affiliation. Personal identity shares a degree of oneness or sameness with other people at a given time frame in a given environment. Researchers have asserted that identification is different from the identity. Identification refers to the ‘labels’ while identity refers to the ‘act itself’. The act itself resonates with the person embracing who they are and where they are from. This puts identity into contextual and relational platforms. Identification is considered processual in nature.
The formation of personal identity goes through identification with other significant people. Identification mostly starts with the biographical experiences where the father and mother play important roles in personal identity. Other individuals come in, resonating with brothers, sisters and relatives. The identity is extended to the groups identified with the close relatives. Persons born in these families then identify themselves with the beliefs, values and the characteristics of the group leading to idealistic identification. There are cases where persons denounce identify to the groupings, a case referred to as the defensive contra identification.
Personal identity relates with the psychology of the individuals. Psychology drives the self image that defines the mental model of persons, individuality and the self esteem. Personal identity relates wholly to the totality in a person’s self construal, this is turn resonates with the person’s expression in the present and the future environments. Time is changing fast and eroding identity with it. The technological advancements have opened up geographical borders to usher in the global village. People have migrated to all parts of the world leading to multicultural societies. Multicultural societies and the intermarriages have led to divergent iden...
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