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Philosophy and aesthetics of violence

Essay Instructions:
USE AS MANY SOURCES (IF ANY) AS YOU THINK IS NECESSARY TO WRITE THIS ESSAY Selecting at least 5 movies for discussion, write an essay on the philosophy and aesthetics of violence. As you cite the movies, please provide the needed historical and cultural background for the situations the movies dramatize. After you analyze compare and contrast the movies be sure to write about how they relate to your own experience of violence - your views about it, your approach to it and how it colors or shapes your vision of the present and the future. Movies that may be used: 1. Battle of algier 1957 2. of Gods of men 2010 3.Hamlet 2000 4.Macbeth 2006 5. Raging bull 6. Poetry 7. Life is beautiful 8. Night & Fog 9. un chien andalou 10. Gandhi 11. Million Dollar Baby
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Philosophy and aesthetics of violence
Philosophy and aesthetics of violence is a topic that has attracted several scholars in the way violence erupts and how it related to philosophy. It has been realized that the two cannot be separated as they go hand in hand especially to a person who wants to study the history of various violent events in different places across the globe. In one way or the other, you will realize that there is some philosophy that might have led to the eruption of a given violent event. In this section, we are going to analyze some movies that revolve around the topic of Philosophy and aesthetics of violence and how they shaped the history of the places that they occurred.
Battle for Algiers
The battle of Algiers was in form of a campaign that was carried out by the National Liberation front between 1956 and 1957 in order to drive away the French authorities from the capital city of Algeria. When the confrontation started, the members of the National Liberation Front used some guerilla tactics whereby they hit the French Police in Algiers and then ran away. In reaction to this, the French government deployed some French Army men in order to counter the attacks. When the French army started torturing their victims, they received international criticism thus the members of the National Liberation Front received some support from the international community in order to advance their attacks.
The movie Battle of Algiers is a realistic enactment of the events as they occurred during the time that the members of the National Liberation Front were progressing with their attacks against the French authorities. This movie is extra ordinary in the sense that the battle for Algiers is uncommonly dynamic picture that has proved its pulling power as festivals. Even more extraordinary is the command of the lasting interest and the critical applause of the amazing virtuosity and the pictorial conviction of the film. The film starts with long shots of people and police fighting in the sub-drenched, tree-lined streets which are very familiar and recognizable from the photographs of the Algerian Strife. This film gives an insight overview of the nature of violence and the effects that the confrontation had to the local population.
This movie is adaptation of William Shakespeare`s Macbeth. This movie uses a modern day gangster setting and the actors in the movie deliver some dialogue in Australian accents. The film takes place in the Melbourne underworld and Macbeth is a loyal criminal. This film opens up in a cemetery whereby some people are seeing destroying and defacing some of the headstones statues as Macbeth stands by them. Macbeth then leads the drug gang that he is usually associated with to one of the places whereby they always commit crime. However, Macbeth and two of his accomplices are caught up with and then chased heading to a bar. They decide to seize the bar and the bar`s owner is killed in the process. The bar is later handed over to Macbeth by his boss Duncan.
Lady Macbeth decides to drug Duncan`s body guards and Macbeth takes on their knives and kills Duncan later on framing the bodyguards. Macbeth then shoots the bodyguards before they came to terms with Duncan`s murder. Macbeth is then hailed as the new leader. He orders for the execution of Banquo and Fleance. However, the guards managed to kill only Banquo since Fleance escaped. Later on in the movie, malcom leads hi men to Dunsinane where they ambushed Macbeth with his guards. A big bun fire then ensued and Macbeth is later on stabbed in the stomach. He then died next to Lady Macbeth`s body.
In this movie, every scene is entangled with a violence of its kind. Violence is very eminent in the movie and as the audience; we are able to grasp some few ideas about violence and the effects of violence.
This movie has several instances of violence and a series of events that show how violence can affects a society. This updated version of Hamlet is brought to vibrant realism by independent director Michael Almereyda. Almereyda place...
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