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Male Dominance

Essay Instructions:
This is a compare and contrast essay In both Trifles by Susan Glaspell's and A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen's, the plot relies on the fact that male characters misjudge and underestimate women. Write an essay that compare and contrast the attitudes the men in these plays hold toward women, and the ways in which the women react. (Kirzsner and Mandell 1176). Keep essay very organized and there should be a clear, concise thesis in the introduction and a topic sentence at the beginning of every paragraph that supports the thesis. Use at least two outside sources to effectively support your claims. Avoid "general" internet sources. Document the plays correctly, using parenthetical citations that will be on the work cited page. quotations to support your claims and be sure to demonstrate analysis and fully explain the quotation's relationship to your topic. Keep the quotations short. Keep you tone serious and formal in this essay and avoid using "I" or referring to the reader as "you".
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Male Dominance:
Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” and Hendrik Ibsen’s “A Doll House”
(A Comparison and Contrast)
Literature is one of the greatest media by which humans are able to retell their own history. Most of the historical figures and situations are portrayed in plays and stories. Indeed, this type of portrayal in terms of how women were viewed during the early days can be seen in both Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” and Hendrik Ibsen’s “A Doll House”
More often that not, men are considered to be more powerful than women which gives them higher positions and roles while women are given lighter and lesser roles to play or perform. Women are given roles but it has been constantly changing though, from being ta simple housewife up till they are allowed to come out and take up higher positions and heavier responsibilities.
Trifles is a play written by Susan Glaspell which tells the tale about the death of John Wright and the investigation that precedes his death. Investigators are called into action and they quickly suspect that the murderer is the victim’s wife, Minnie. It would go on with the investigators searching in and around the house, from the bard to the bedroom. The places they search looking for evidences are places where the man has been and where he feels dominant. They ignore the kitchen thinking that they would not be able to find any evidence there.
Minnie’s friends, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale's, find themselves wanting to help their friend in time of need. This presents itself when they find the dead canary wrung by its neck the same way that John Wright did. The rest of the story centers around women trying to decide whether or not to help their friend by hiding the evidences against her or confessing their knowledge to the officials thus by turning their friend in. They do not do the latter and get away with hiding the evidences for the men in the play did not consider the kitchen to be an important place to look in.
A Doll House
A Doll House on the other hand is a play concerning husband and wife, their sacrifices, secret forges and ultimately truth leading to the main character’s decision to be free of her husband.
The play is set on a Christmas. The play starts with Nora preparing herself and the house for a ball. Both she and her husband are excited for the next year because Torvald has been given a higher position in the bank where he is working. This means better living condition and freedom from debt in which she has acquired years ago when Torvald was sick.
The play goes on with the entrance of other characters. She is then thrown into a chaos of blackmails regarding the forgeries she has done to be able to acquire the loan. The condition for the bribery is that she helps one of Torvald’s colleague maintain his job. Nora does what she is told and tries to convince her husband to retain his worker’s position. Torvald does not hear any of it and dismisses the man. This brings the man to leave a letter addressed to Torvald detailing Nora’s forgery and loan. When Torvald sees reads it, he goes into a tirade finally snapping Nora to her senses allowing her to make the decision to leave her husband and announce her independence of him.
Both plays are set in the time where women are considered to be below men. A time when women are considered to be unable to perform at the same level of men. This was the time when women are considered or required to remain at home and ten to the children and houses. Do nothing else for the men will bring home the food that they will be preparing.
Both plays portray men as the prejudiced type. Both commit a crime in which they are censured by men. In the Trifles, they see the wife a murderer and ignore the reasons for her actions. What prompted her to commit the crime is not important to them. They are totally concerned with finding the evidence and bring her to justice but are to ignorant of the idea that they would be able to find evidences in the kitchen where the women have hidden them. In the line: “Nothing here but kitchen things.” (EGAN) It shows that they are unable to determine the fact that women tend to hide the things that may incriminate them in places that they are mostly comfortable in, whi...
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