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Essay on Was Andrew Carnegie a Hero?

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Written around the theme of Was Andrew Carnegie a hero, use the content of the article to answer why

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Was Andrew Carnegie a Hero?
Known as the king of steel, Andrew Carnegie was born and raised in Dunfermline, Scotland on the November of 1835. His family later immigrated to Pittsburg in America in the year 1848 where they survived on very little money. He met Henry Bessemer, a man who turned iron into steel in the year 1872 when Andrew travelled to England. Having learnt the brilliant steel making process he took the knowledge back to America where he built some street mills in Pennsylvania. Notably, at the age of 65, he moved from the mills business and sold his Carnegie Steel Company for $480,000,000 to one JPMorgan. Andrew Carnegie is a great example of a person who refused to live in an utterly passive manner. His hero characteristics were portrayed through being responsible, philanthropic and responsible.
Although it is said that Andrew had a lot of flaws which were highly talked about, just like any other man, he was not perfect. He made his fair share of choices that were deemed as mistakes by other people but that did not stop him. Mr. Carnegie, had all the potential to being a successful business man even from a younger age. He worked very hard so as to support his family. In Scotland, he and his family lived in a very small cottage. Another picture displaying the Grand Skibo Castle he purchased in 897 shows a rag to riches story something he achieved in only just half a century. He portrayed an extraordinary capability of which only a few people possessed. Carnegie capabilities were in the world of business. He influenced the renovation of the American steel industry which has led the U.S. to being a World Super power.
Evidently, Carnegie was a strong believer of philanthropy which contributed to him being a hero. A man with wealth duty is to set an example of living modestly and considering all the surplus revenues as trust funds so as to produce the communities most beneficial results. Andre w donated over $350,000,000 to churches, libraries, universities and other charities in his ...
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