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Comprehensive Essay On Pencil By Leonard Read (1958)

Essay Instructions:

1. Read I, Pencil by Leonard Read (1958)
2. Use the essay, and your notes, to write a 3 page paper minimum on the article. The paper is a comprehensive essay, so please use details from the text to support your essay. If there are terms or definitions you do not understand, look up their meaning online as well.
3. You must use outside sources for this essay. Please cite these sources using MLA, APA or Chicago Style Citations only. A Works Cited page must be included as well for full credit.
4. You may use the questions at the end of the article in the textbook for possible references as to what to write. You do not have to answer these questions as a requirement for the essay.
5. The homework assignment must be typed, 12 font, double spaced with paragraphs. If the homework has no paragraphs or is not double spaced, or if the font is too big, you will lose points on the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
I, Pencil
The modern economy is experiencing capitalism and ignoring the unpopular economic system is killing the foundations of the global economy since the system is only growing and influencing most of the decision being made today both in regards to the economy and social standing of the population. The capitalist idea is well presented by Adam Smith who clearly defines the facts about the free market through his concepts of the "invisible hand." He observes that people acting alone or a small group of people making decisions to produced services and goods in a manner that all the process and activities serve their personal interest. While undertaking this activity they do not consider others, as their primary aim is not to benefit the others. In the capitalist environment, their goal is to seek making profits from endeavors and on the activity, others may benefit. There is the use of the word "may" in the above statement. Based on the above statement many free thinkers in the market have emerged and written about this unpopular subject to either give an opinion or shed more light to the phenomena, such writers include Adam Smith, Fredrick Hayek and our core subject in this paper Leonard Read. Through his well-organized article I, Pencil, Leonard E. Read gives an account of a free market and insightfully acknowledges ho an economy ought not to be controlled by one individual or a small segment of people running the whole economy.
In the literal perspective, Leonard Read is making abroad observations of ho even the tiniest of things take the whole organization to create or develop. In this case, he uses a pencil which most of the individuals have one time or the other used but the question lingering is whether one knows just how many people and resources were used to give them out the final product. Thus, he describes that it takes more effort, resources, and policies to build this one item. He further states not a single individual can make the given object as it takes machines and people to help in the production of the product. Still, in literal meaning the pencils seem to be created by the invisible hand, as Adam Smith would describe it or the natural forces, which control things and people and make push people to trade in goods and serv...
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